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Alright another two page done! I can see the end now. Only a few more page remain!.

As always if you find any mistake please let me know in te comment.




Never one without the other ^^

Lethal X

Did we miss page 28-29

Carl Endres

Panel 2 of the second page refers to them as "Bir-Eye" instead of "Bird-Eye"


I think that should read “your will is absolute” and “you have our mistress’s property in your possession”

Alexis Ortiz

"Always 2 there are....no more, no less...a master and an apprentice" Da Star Wars switch in me flipped after reading your comment EHEHE 😅


Is it possible to get a full art picture of Prima and Secunda like they are here with red rgb. The contrast would look beautiful as a background image


Why aren’t Prima and Secunda blue on page 30? Was it from the lighting of the lab reflecting off of them? I think they should be blue all the time, it looks way better. The gray look is just kind of flat and dull in comparison.

Benjamin Lawton

I mentioned this before, a few pages back, but military radio chatter specifically tries to cut out as many unnecessary words as possible. (Partly for OpSec – having as little transmission as possible for the enemy to potentially intercept – but also because the "boots on the ground" guys are usually so focused that they don't have a whole lot of attention span to spare for wordiness.) "Bird's-eye to Nest. Sample successfully retrieved. Need info on extraction." "Copy that. Approaching West Garden now."


Prima and Secunda are very beautiful, although I think they should always keep their blue color.


Excellent as usual!


I think it's because of the lighting of the room; especially the explosion that happened a few pages ago. They're blue once they're outside, so they probably just reflect the colors of their surroundings.


Secunda's right eye (left in our perspective) is a bit strange on p31, looking at different direction?

Wayne Chen

Maybe more pink is better than purple ?

Wayne Chen

If the bigger version Jane’s theme horror, that purple fit her.if the maid Jane is theme cute that purple make her evil but not reliable .


Secunda getting to squeeze Prima's butt in that last page I see




The thing in my opinion is that in page 29, secunda had a normal coloration in secunda, so I'm not sure if it's because of the ilumination.


Ok, I'll be posting it, even Benjamin having posted about it as well, but I fell that in p30 Prima and Secunda beeing in this more silver tone don't make much sense due to secunda beeing in the bluish tone you have been using. Besides that, loved that Secunda's left eye has a lower brightness, as it was the one removed in p 24, a small detail that add. Also, loves how you do the reflections over them in both pages, amazing work!


It's from illumination. To be honest I kinda forgot the room got exploded on previous page and coloured Secunda blue out of habbit


In the first page, it should say “eliminate” instead of “eliminated” Amazing job!


I have a question. It's already liquid metal. Why use muscles to show strength?


A bit late to the party, but like it! A few typos: Page 1: - "WE[ ]HAVE" (missing space) - "ELIMINATE~D~" (past tense) Page 2: - "Bird-Eye" or "Bird's-Eye"? I would probably drop the "'s" from page 1 - "IS WA[I]TING" - "APPRO[A]CHING" - "I CAN SEE YOU BIR[D]-EYE" - "THE CABLE" - cable feels a bit weird here. Even if it's metal, I feel like "rope" might be better - "BIR[D]-EYE" again - "YOU HAVE [SOME] PROPERTY" - property is uncountable - "POSSES[S]ION"