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The subtitles came in way faster than expected!! Here's the subtitled version of my tutorial on common mistakes when choosing colors. Be sure to read the description of the first video post for more information about the tutorial, as well as a cheat sheet that summarizes a lot of the info from the video. Hope you enjoy it ❤




Love those videos 🩷


Yayyyyy!! Thanks for this, watching now!


Thank you for this Loish!!! This was really REEEEAAAALYYY helpful and to the point!!! 💜


Ne videooo (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)


This was an invaluable tutorial for me. I was guilty of some seriously muddy colour schemes as late, so just the tip at the 7:00 mark was a major score. Much gratitude. Glad your February is in full swing, all best with the new shop, and I hope the rest of your '24 is a great one!


thank you so much for this you must’ve read my mind haha 🫶 i’ve been struggling with color so much recently i’ll definitely apply all of these tips to my future drawings :)


I’m so glad you found it helpful! Thank you so much for allowing me to use your art ♥️


I could watch you make color suggestions for a whole day, honestly. This is a super illuminating (..pun? intended?) and effectively broken down and communicated tutorial. I think many people will find the before and afters staggeringly helpful. You already wrap up with a main takeaway that I realized right before you said it, but I want to emphasize how this video spurred me toward a deeper understanding of why you choose your colors so early on, and why there is so much harmony/atmospheric beauty between a scene or background and a character/subject matter. I think beginners learn art in a very regimented set of steps — I sketch, then line, then choose base colors, then put in lighting, then add a background — but you’re so right that figuring out your schemes and what you determine is the most emotionally charged moments or your favorite details you want to highlight early on will really help the rendering process stay more dynamic. Lastly and somewhat related, I noticed that some skin tones were changed. When handling characters with dark skin tones, it can be really scary, intimidating, and worrying because no one should endeavor to ‘whitewash’ anyone, but there is of course this balance one must strike between how light and surrounding colors do in fact affect how we perceive a skin tone. Do you find this hard to negotiate in order to feel proud of your piece but not worry others feel disrespected? I never want to make someone feel diminished; at the same time, I do wish more non-artists would look and see just how much lighting/bounce light and background colors really changes the way skin reads, like even looking at celebrities in different cinematic lighting.


Thanks so much for this comment! I agree so much about the regimented approach when just starting out. Breaking out of that made a huge difference in my workflow! As for skin tones, lighting can indeed really affect the colors of skin but it’s also really important to be aware of biases. People like to see more contrast in a face because that’s a convention that has existed in painting and photography for so long and that skews a lot of imagery towards lightened skin. This is something that people (including me) can default to without realizing how harmful it can be towards representing diversity! In some cases I think it can be a valid choice to avoid a muddy look (dark skin isn’t always muddy, but muddy skin tones can often be solved with more contrast). But I think in other cases it can contribute to harmful ideals. So it’s all about striking a balance and being open to criticism! Especially in situations where we don’t even realize why we do it. There can be so much hidden bias there!


Hello ☺️ Thank you for this super helpful tutorial on colors! This was really good for getting a better orientation on this overwhelming topic. The idea of a spectrum of problems is very nice to figuring out where the problem might be. Especially thank you for your feedback and the overpainting. Yes, I can definitely see the muddy midtones now. The before and after is incredible 💕✨🙌 Thanks!😊


Thank you so much for your kind words! 🥰 And for the tutorial, so helpful! Can't wait to apply all this new knowledge to my future art 😄 It really helps having examples on how to fix things you have already identified as problematics, but weren't sure what to do with them. Love it and the paintover and all your work, thank you for making these tutorials! 💖💖


It was really helpful to see how you apply your techniques on improving color on different paintings. Great video!!


Thank you for the video. There are lots of great tips in it!! I will watch it again a couple of times. Well done!


Hello! May I ask what kind of camera you are using to record yourself speak?