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Hello! Just a friendly reminder that the Q&A session is taking place tomorrow January 27 at 5PM CET. Check out this time zone converter to see what time that is in your area!

Hope to see some of you there! It will take place in the discord server (check out this resource if you're not sure how to join) and will be recorded for later viewing. You can drop your questions in the #ask-loish channel in the discord server or in the comments below! Looking forward to hopefully seeing some of you there! ❤



Hey Loish Congrats on your new venture! knowing what you know now how would you structure your first post or video on socials/long-form content? am in my final year of art school majoring in VFX & I feel like I have the skillsets now to start posting mindful/quality content, having a presence online mostly short & long-form videos. but not sure how to effectively monetize them. how would you go about planning, branding, & initiating this journey?


I was able to log into discord, but I wasn't able to find the ask Loish section, so I'll add my question here. When I started drawing, Deviantart was the place I had found an Art community but I haven't found a community like that since. Do you have any suggestions of alternative platforms to find that art community?


thank you! be sure to click the thumbs up emoji at the bottom of the server guide. that gives you acces to the rest of the channels :)