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A super chaotic anatomy drawing session! The overlap of the poses didn’t work out the way that I wanted, I couldn’t really choose a color scheme, and I took a different stylistic direction so many times. But I got it done and that’s what counts! ✨




love the bright orange hands along with the blue skin! these are lovely


Wow! So beautiful. Love what you call chaos!!!


From a depth psychology perspective, I feel ambivalence can point to something new emerging, maybe a new style? I often have some big breakthrough after a creative depression where I'm struggling with direction. I love how you keep showing up and drawing no matter what. These are impressive and so is your discipline! I love these touches of highlights on planes here and there, like the top guy's sunken navel, the iliac crest of the woman next to him, and the knee caps of the woman at bottom. WOW! Extraordinary subtlety.

Mary Banks

They’re blue da ba dee da ba daa

Mary Banks

But more seriously, these look great! I love seeing how you utilize colors, especially with character work


I love seeing the stages! How long does something like this take/ do you set time limits ? I know you like to do studies with specific focuses, which I’ve started to become more intentional about and it’s one of the most helpful things I’ve learned from you.


This gorgeous loish! Thank you for sharing 🙏😊. I'm so curious about what you where think And what aspect of anatomy you where aiming for or concentration towards when you where doing this. As always i love the flow and tranquil feeling of your pieces, also the waay you combined the colors specially the oranges and that show warmer parts of the body. As always incredible! 👏👏☺️


Yas, getting things done is important. Perfection will come in its due time.


The hands are so cute ngl! Lovely work

George I Lemke

This is amazing I love your use of color. It reminds me a bit of heat vision cameras with the red-orange on the hans and feet. So much art now is perfect in its imperfections. Arts no longer have rich patrons that take care of our needs, we have scrape together a living from whatever is available. Art is work. We don't lead lives of leisure and sometimes, often, our art is rushed or good enough, but we keep looking to the Renaissance as the way art should be, but most of our understanding of that time is myth and rumors. Be kind to yourself 💚


You’re the color god


thanks george! that's something I always struggle with a bit. balancing the idea of art as work, and art as a deeply creative pursuit done purely out of passion. you need a bit of both to create efficiently i think.


thank you! I wanted to show bodies that felt alive and less idealized. i really hate the smoothed out, 'perfect' look that you get from studio lighting and photoshopped images, so this is kind of a reaction to that. don't know if i succeeded though!


i took about 4 hours to do this one! i usually have around 4-5 hours for a rough drawing session and in that time i hope to come up with something finished. it's just to avoid falling into the rabbit hole of picking at a drawing forever without it getting any better :)


yes i definitely feel the same! usually I look back on my more ambivalent drawings and see that it was a moment where I was trying to find something new. thanks for your kind words!