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Hello flame patrons! This month I'd like to try doing a weekend Q&A session once again! I'm also going to try a slightly later timeframe than my usual. The session will take place on Saturday April 15th, at 7pm CEST. You can use this time converter to figure out what time that is in your area!

I will be streaming directly into the discord server as always! It would be great if you can join, but don't worry if you can't - as always it will be recorded and uploaded here for later viewing.

If you have any questions you'd like me to answer for this month's session, feel free to post it below or post it in the #ask-loish channel over in the discord server! I'm looking forward to seeing what you will ask! ❤



As I get older, I increasingly have a strange feeling, a kind of aversion to my own art style. I'm so tired or bored of it sometimes. I dislike it more and more. Although I often try new things. I always end up in my own style… (This is also one of the reasons why I joined your Patreon. New impulses, a different view on certain things,…) So my question is: Do you know what I mean? Or heard it before from someone else? Have you already experienced it? And do you have any tips? Help me, Loish Kenobi, you’re my only hope.


Hi Loish, I don't know if I'll be able to attend to the QandA, but I would love you to address my question. How to maintain style consistency through our drawings (I know you have a tutorial on this subject, but my question is elsewhere). I feel that I go from realism to semi-realism to more stylized drawing not because I have CHOSEN to but more because what the reference picture (the subject, the face, the lighting...) dictates to me: some references are easy to stylise (big nose our special face shapes or wrinkles) and some other I just can't get away with stylization because I lose all the beauty of it. I feel that I have absolute no control over my art... How would you recommend us to work our craft? Should we stick to one style and forget the rest or is the okay to bounce, knowing that I might never be good at something but rather mediocre in everything.


that's such an interesting topic! I will definitely discuss this during the session!

Anonymous (edited)

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2023-04-12 05:13:50 Hi Loish! My first Q&A here so I’ll definitely try and join ^^ I’d love to hear your thoughts on getting through the “ugly phase” of a drawing/painting. For me there always a long part of the process during which the piece just looks terrible, and I have to convince myself to just trust the process and remember that I’ve been there and it ends up turning out ok. Tho I’ve many times lost motivation on a piece due to this auto imposed pressure 😅 Do you have this at all? If you do, hoy do you get through that? Thank you! 🙏 P.D: sorry if this Q is repeated, haven’t watched all previous Q&As yet.
2023-04-11 19:05:12 Hi Loish! My first Q&A here so I’ll definitely try and join ^^ I’d love to hear your thoughts on getting through the “ugly phase” of a drawing/painting. For me there always a long part of the process during which the piece just looks terrible, and I have to convince myself to just trust the process and remember that I’ve been there and it ends up turning out ok. Tho I’ve many times lost motivation on a piece due to this auto imposed pressure 😅 Do you have this at all? If you do, hoy do you get through that? Thank you! 🙏 P.D: sorry if this Q is repeated, haven’t watched all previous Q&As yet.

Hi Loish! My first Q&A here so I’ll definitely try and join ^^ I’d love to hear your thoughts on getting through the “ugly phase” of a drawing/painting. For me there always a long part of the process during which the piece just looks terrible, and I have to convince myself to just trust the process and remember that I’ve been there and it ends up turning out ok. Tho I’ve many times lost motivation on a piece due to this auto imposed pressure 😅 Do you have this at all? If you do, hoy do you get through that? Thank you! 🙏 P.D: sorry if this Q is repeated, haven’t watched all previous Q&As yet.


Hi Loish! I’m sure you’ve been asked this a million times, but what came easily to you as an artist , and what did you struggle with the most? What is your biggest struggle now as an artist, art wise and career wise ? Do you wish you could go back and change something if you could?