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Hey patrons! I've decided to turn on anniversary billing for this patreon page. That means that if you sign up today, you'll get billed again on the same day next month, instead of again on the 1st. This is a lot more intuitive and it avoids the issue of patrons getting double charged when they sign up on the last day of the month! It gives patrons a little more control over when they are billed, which is why I decided to implement it.

I will be continuing the same method of delivering content, so the drive link with the month's content gets sent out around the last day of the month. But since the billing cycle is monthly, everyone should be receiving a link once per billing cycle!

For those who already signed up, nothing changes - you'll still get charged on the 1st of each month. 

Let me know if you have any questions! ❤ 



This is great Lois! For those who are already signed up, how do we change to anniversary billing?


Hey Loish, Thanks for this. What would happen for tier switching and annual enrolment? Can that be done on any day in a month?


you'd have to cancel your subscription and then sign up again on the day that you want the anniversary billing date to take place!


I'm actually not sure about that - I will get back to you about it asap!


I got a reply, they said that changing your tier or subscription won't change the billing date (and if it's annual you will only be billed once a year). let me know if that answers your question!


Great. Yes, I believe so. Thanks for checking the same Loish.


Amazing! I signed up this month after the 1st will I be charged on the first of next month or on the date I signed up next month?


I think that if you signed up before I turned it on, you'll still be billed on the 1st. you'd have to cancel and sign up again to be billed with the new system.