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I wanted to get back into sketching more loosely! I usually find myself quite dependent on reference and afraid to break away from it during the sketching process, so I think it's time for me to try sketching more loosely. I did use some reference for a few of these but I tried to just use them as a jumping off point rather than depending on them throughout the drawing process. It felt quite freeing! The next step is drawing without any reference ~ soon! 




Uhh! Mood! Ever since I started using references I have a reeeaaalllyyy hard time stepping off of them! It's so hard as I always question myself lately when I try it without them. Before I just used to draw whatever I felt like. But you could see my anatomy was worse haha


Delightful! I adore your sketches and always find them very inspiring. <3




These are phenomenal! Your sketches look like paintings? lol The depth is sooo good. During inktober I actually followed your example and tried to sketch more loosely and lightly and do passes. It really is a neat way to work will definitely continue. Also heavily depend on reference there was a time when I was studying anatomy learning from Proko and similar trying to get to that "from imagination" stage. I've since stopped worrying so much about forcing it and am just having fun pushing my boundaries beyond portrait heads to more full body! Ok ending novel.


Adoring all of these! The fish and mushroom additions are love, especially the little guy at the top left of the right page. :D <3


These are so lovely Lois! I'm SO heavily reliant on reference lol. I really should try just doodling from imagination. Great flowy shapes you've got going on here.


You are so complete as an artist, I really admire your work as an inspiring path. Thank you for what you share. :)


sounds like a way better approach and way more freeing! I'm going to be pushing myself to move away from reference more in the coming months I think.


haha yeah same! it's that classic balance of accuracy vs. creativity.


I love your work. You are trurly my biggest inspiration!


how could i add them roundy shadow on my drawings ?


Where do you get most reference photos from?


usually a mix of google, unsplash, pinterest and deviantart!


I use a blending stump! and if you're a flame member, you can check out a tutorial I did which explains the process in more detail :) you can find it here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-light-66773593