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It’s time for this month’s tutorial! This one was suggested over on the discord in the #tutorial-suggestions channel, and it instantly sparked so many ideas for me that I knew I had to do it this month. I have so much to say about this topic!

I also got a suggestion from a patron to start making “cheat sheets” with an overview of essential information from the tutorial. I’m going to try and retroactively put these together for older tutorials, but for now, here’s the very first cheat sheet (also downloadable as a PDF at the bottom of this post):

Two other resources that you might find helpful alongside this one are:

I hope you find this one helpful! Subtitled version is coming up in a minute.




I keep coming back to this and re-watching. I especially love how you talk about how social media incentivizes certain behaviors. I NEVER thought of that beyond Twitter being an angry hellscape lol. It is so true. I'm currently trying to force myself to settle on a style so I can get my IG moving faster. I know I shouldn't obsess but it's not like I haven't always wanted a style since I started drawing a million years ago. I know I'll always experiment but I have such art ADHD and I think it'll be good for me to focus a bit more. All that to say thank you for your amazing insights and knowledge bombs! You are a rock star and it has been so cool to watch you progress from back in the oekaki board days!


thanks so much natasha! I'm glad you like this one! For me, drawing without too many reference images / influences around helps a lot to just explore my own style more. it's weird because personal style is the result of mixing influences, but sometimes it can make us really indecisive as well!


This is good advice I should definitely try it I have been living on pinterest lately and with digital especially I become paralyzed with so much reference lol.

Julianne Kennelly

Hi loish, thanks for making this tutorial, it really helps and make social media seem less of daunting experience. I’m wondering would you be interested in making a tutorial someday on how to make reels in premiere and other apps and what are the ways to make look interesting while recording?


that's an interesting idea for the future! i'll add it to the list :) I'm glad you liked this one!

Julianne Kennelly

Thanks loish, I'm wondering if you record on phone and use DSLR camera. Is possible to arrange both footages in premiere?. I can't wait for this tutorial on reels. Hope it make it way up the list.


hey julianne! I record everything with my phone currently. it's definitely possible to import the video and edit it in premiere! it's how I make all my reels :)

Samantha Jeffers

This is super nice to have. I hope that I can give my IG momentum again. After about a year ago, it’s been harder to gain followers


instagram has really stagnated! it's hard to grow an account there. it's worth a try but if it doesn't happen, don't feel too bad - it's happening to everyone.


Love the theme, will start watching it right now! :)


I haven't watched over yet, but I want to thank you for making this video...so useful and inspired on planning schedule!!!😭😭 and also appreciate your hard word on bringing wonderful content constantly!


I haven't finished watching yet but before I forget, there is actually a scheduling tool for instagram/facebok. It doesn't have the grid feature you like about Planoly but the posting process itself is nice because you can prep posts for facebook & instagram at the same times. It's called creator studio (https://business.facebook.com/creatorstudio/home?mode=instagram)


Wow, I was not prepared to be hit with a wave of nostalgia from that oekaki screenshot! :')


Aww a cheat sheet! 💞 You went above and beyond yourself this time. Thank you for the tutorial, it has much food for thought. - Also I haven't had any trouble with the videos for the last two months now. So fingers crossed that patreon managed to fix the issue.


That's gorgeous! Thank you so much for sharing! 💞


Hey laws I hope you are doing well. I was wondering how can I join the Discord?


you should have automatically been added if you are a patron! otherwise, try disconnecting and reconnecting your discord account to your patreon account.


oh right, that's true! thanks for mentioning this! I sometimes use it to schedule facebook posts, i find it really difficult to use though.


Lois!!!!! 🥰You are an incredible person and artist. I adore your personality, art, and intelligence.


Oh my gosh THANK YOU for this. Scheduling stuff like this is definitely one of my weakest skills, so I'm so thankful for your tips and your handy cheat sheet <3


Great video! I will be looking at those planning and scheduling apps for sure!


I think the scheduling part has spoken to me the most, I heard of Planoly, but now I can see it's really easy to use. I will take a look in the next couple of days. Thank you a lot for your advice and tips, so helpful !


Incredibly helpful! Thank you so much for making this tutorial. I am someone that has made multiple accounts and then deleted them over the years because I felt like I didn't understand how to do it or that people didn't want to see my work (at least not everything I make), but I decided to keep pushing forward, slowly, and have met many incredible people by taking part in those monthly art challenges and making myself engage with artists I don't know. It's been a very slow journey for me, probably because I kept starting over, but I appreciate your advice, especially the part about not letting social media consume a person entirely. It happens effortlessly and I hope everyone watching pays close attention to that message. Also, have you tried using artboards in Photoshop? It lets you make a file with multiple artboards and each one can be any size you want (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). They sped up my process because I can export all or only selected artboards/social posts into one folder. It's definitely worth checking out. https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/how-to/design-with-artboards.html


ohhh that's so interesting! i honestly had no idea what artboards were for. I will look into it!


Thank you so much for this tutorial. I'll schedule my posts for sure too and definitely separate my art creation process from social media, everything is so crazy lately that I'm trying to figure out how to deal with it and this tutorial is a time saver (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡


I'm glad you found it helpful! and yes, the changing social media landscape is a reminder that it's so important to protect our creative processes from something that can be so toxic and unreliable.


No cause this video tutorial literally saved me from embarrassing myself online, more than I already have haha. I have a question if you don't mind: Do you change your color channel from RGB to SRGB before saving files for posting?


Holy moly. I just became a Patron and it was well worth it. So glad I finally bit the bullet and did it. I've been following you since the oekaki days! Always inspiring, and I'm so blown away by your ability to deliver a good tutorial!


Thank you, loish. I feel like the thing that's most challenging about socials is the pressures of always making the next piece better than the previous. So when a art is not good enough to beat the previous I feel blocked to share it 😅 it's definitely a thing I must deal with


thank you so much for supporting me here! I'm glad you liked the tutorial :)


I'm so glad you found it helfpul! I don't make any changes to the color profiles / channels.


that was so helpful! Thank you. Now I am also inclined to ask if you have any tips on how to organize your digital files 🙈 that is a struggle for me xD


oh yeah! i can do a little video walkthrough of that sometime in the future.


Thank you so, SO MUCH for this tutorial. I'm always struggling with marketing my art on social medias, to a point where it gets so frustrating and and exhausting to keep going. But your video is really helping to take a step back and remembering you're not always at fault. Definitely the best advices I've heard in a long time. ❤️


I've been preoccupied for a few months so I'm catching up on stuff I've missed and, omg, hackernews 🙈. It's a super minimal, text and link only style platform aimed at the tech industry and software engineering related topics. I think you've made a few different threads, most notably (from what I recall) the one on vimeo price hikes https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30686704 and there was one about Opensea as well: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29798817. If you've posted anything publicly about AI then it's probably there as well. Just an FYI in case you were curious 🙂


hahaha that explains it! I did tweet some controversial things about tech so that must be it. i had no idea it would be so good for my engagement!