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Here it is: this month’s tutorial! Some of you have asked me how I come up with ideas, or requested an idea generation tutorial. So for this month I wanted to make a tutorial that talks about how I implement fleeting moments of inspiration into my workflow to come up with new ideas. It’s less technical, and more mindset-based, but it also has a demo for how I make quick painting thumbnails for those who want to know the technique!

The demo goes pretty fast, so if you want to know more about the basic techniques that I use in the demo, these resources might be helpful:

• Using the lasso tool to ‘paint’ (step-by-step): https://www.patreon.com/posts/step-by-step-36570445

• Constructing a pose (tutorial): https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-video-38377684

• Choosing colors (tutorial): https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-colors-39277902 (this one might be especially helpful for explaining how I use color modification tools and the feathered lasso tool to adjust the colors).

And if you want to know how to move forward from this rough thumbnail into a more finalized painting, this tutorial about rendering might be helfpul: https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-without-62987609

The brushes I used were:

• Macalabs HB pencil for sketching: http://cbr.sh/fg8up?ref=loish

• The hard round brush and splatter/snow brush from my own brush set: http://cbr.sh/3jq96x

And in the video I refer to a sketchbook tour, which you can find here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sketchbook-tour-33412561

The subtitled version will be posted immediately after this post goes up! Hope you enjoy this one and as always, let me know if you have any thoughts or questions! Have a great weekend everyone ❤



It always happened to me that I started with an idea and quickly found myself trapped by the technical aspects, losing contact with the creative part. This tutorial allowed me to become aware of that. Thank You!!


Omg Loish. I love this one. Omg I'm screaming right now. This is so creative. You have to make this girl in the fire a finished piece. its giving so much goddess vibes. I love it.


This was so helpful:) In your drawing sessions do you have to take breaks? Since you draw for a very long time


I definitely take breaks, yes! lots of small micro-breaks and also some longer breaks for food, or just to relax and do something else for a few minutes.


This is honestly one of my fav tutorials that you've done as it really goes into such common issues we all go through but I rarely see people address or try and help others through. Thank you so much, all the ''self-help'' artist tips are really motivating and helpful as someone who struggles to stay in the creative flow consistently!




Thank you for the tips, i really needed them. I really have alot of saved images on pinterest and on my phone, that i was inspired by but had no idea how to convert into a drawing without just straight up copying it, and then droping it because it didn't work out. But this video really helped to figure out what to do with them when i get that initial inspiration.


Such a good video! I’m learning so much from your tutorials :) do you have a public Pinterest of your reference study boards?


Wow! Thank you.


I'm amazed by how quickly you can develop an idea into something awesome. It can be very frustrating to have a great idea but not the technical skill to carry it out as it is envisioned. A great reminder that it's not all about inspiration. You have to work to develop the skills as an artist to bring your ideas to fruition. Thanks for the insight into your process.


This tutorial was an awesome balance of mindset tips and visual demonstrations :) I find a lot of artists tend to give the same advice over and over again when it comes to any type of mindset topic, but somehow you always present a fresh take on it and explain everything so beautifully and succinctly. Thank you for always working so hard on these videos for us! It's something I look forward to every month.


Oh Loish thank you -- definitely needed this video. Especially the part about routine. Showing your scheduled slots of time and how you spend them was incredibly informative. I get stuck in all the different ruts you touched on and I hope that implementing a routine in a similar way will vastly improve my deficits. Youʻre a true guru -- thank you.


thanks so much! it's constant trial and error, so remember to never be too hard on yourself! and that you're never the only one struggling with something.


thanks jason! I do have to add that not all of these 'quick ideas' ever develop into finished paintings. i think that's the added value of just working fast and moving on quickly: that making an idea that falls flat doesn't feel like a failure, because i came up with a bunch of other ideas that did inspire me!


hey samantha! thanks so much! I don't have a public pinterest board, sorry about that. it feels more freeing to me to keep that kind of stuff private!


Thank you so much! You said all the things I've been needing to understand for months. I always felt like every idea and painting that was started had to be finished and put a lot of pressure on myself to complete all the things. Your tutorial made so much sense and helped me really think about which ones I could finish now vs which can be captured now and finished at the right time. I also needed the nudge to take care of life stresses first so that I can be creatively open. Stress is not to be ignored. Thank you again!!


Would you be willing to share how you created your schedule with the pie chart?


hey sarah! that pie chart was from a kind of brainstorm session I did to figure out how I would manage my patreon content. I typed the values into a google sheet and then created a graph from it. the calendar below is a screenshot from google calendar :) hope this helps!


Thanks for this video, I really like this, as you said, "mindset" tutorial, it made me feel more comfortable with my work flow and some insecurities, like we are all humans and sometimes as an artist we have some inspiration issues, it's not always easy to be productive and inspired. Thanks again, it made my day. :)


This is so helpful and encouraging! Thank you for sharing this.


Thanks for this lovely sounding tutorial, Lois! I keep getting an error after about 8min in and I’m unable to view the rest of it. I have tried both the one with and without subtitles and they both stop working…I haven’t had this issue with your other videos. Does anyone else have this issue? Have you been able to fix it? Thanks very 🙏


Hey Andra! Sorry for not getting back to you. Some users have reported issues with this, which is really unfortunate! I've been letting the patreon team know about it, but for now, you can watch the video over on Vimeo. Just check out this post for a list of tutorials and the password to view them: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64518198


Thanks for putting this alternative together, it’s good to have a workaround so we can access them while Patreon sorts it out. I hope they do soon! I’m sure you don’t need this stress either.


Oops I commented on the wrong post! But I am so glad I finally joined your Patreon and that I could do a year so I wouldn't have to worry about it! This lesson is something I really needed! I often struggle with inspiration utilization lol, and thanks to all my primary schooling, they had it ingrained in you to get your work and projects done Immediately, and as a professional artist that's always the dream, but growing up they never teach you about rest being crucial to the spark and creative process! I'm going to work hard on the lessons you have about inspiration and not having to finish something. Taking that inspiration can take a lot out of you initially, so it's no wonder I struggle to finish projects! Thank you a million times over for this video. I had always been afraid of thumbnails but now I will try them out!


i'm so glad you found it helpful! i think for some artists it's important to keep the momentum, but it's not a realistic scenario for most artists. you can get creatively or physically burned out and tired and those breaks are essential!


This tutorial was so helpful! Thank you so much 🥰