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Here's part 2 of the process for my veiltail painting! Part 1 is here

The second part of this process is sped up to twice the original speed. This is because I figured out the general look and feel for the painting, and am mostly rendering / finalizing the creative decisions I made earlier! In real life, this part of the process took about 2 hours.

In this video you mainly see me trying to work out a way to add more detail without smoothing the image out. I really liked the angular approach of the rough version and I didn’t want to lose that in the rendering process, especially since the starting point felt too smooth and I didn’t want to go back there again. So I’m sticking mainly to the lasso tool in order to add detail, to avoid over-blending!

Around 25 minutes in you’ll see me open an earlier version of the image, which I keep open on the left side. That is because I wanted to keep the rough version as a reference, to make sure I didn’t lose the appeal of that version while rendering.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any questions!




😌👉👈 Patiently waiting for step 3 to post


The reference of an earlier version is such a great idea! A clear pro of the „Copy-Layer“ approach - you always have access to that! With my Multilayer approach those in-between milestones just don‘t exist, especially not in a consistent alternative full image. I will definitely try that! 😊 Weird to be reminded of software development in an agile and iterative manner for a painting process. But it‘s actually the same good argument for this approach. You can stop nearly any time and have a consistent result. 😅🤔 Cool! Thanks for that idea! ☺️