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Some of my brushtober work from this week! So here's the story: my first acrylic drawing completely backfired. I tried to make a painting of clouds catching the sunset light and it just really didn't work out the way I wanted to. Here's a photo:

The main thing that was frustrating me here were the colors. I wanted a vivid lilac-ish color, and intense pinks, but I was getting blue, dark red and purples. I felt like they were super muddy and it brought back memories of using acrylics in high school. All my art turned out muddy back then and it basically led to me avoiding traditional media entirely as soon as I was done with art school. 

So I realized that my main challenge for this week would be to keep the colors vivid and bright. I got myself some neon pink and tried to be more mindful when blending, and so far this seems to be working a lot better. I'm sticking to portraits for now since that's my comfort zone, and might give me more of a handle on this paint! I filmed the process for the second portrait with the earrings, I'll be posting that as soon as it's edited!




Gorgeous! It's really cool to see your digital brushstrokes technique in acrylic 😍


I love these! I do not like acrylics as I can't get soft blends with them like I can with watercolour or oils, but I find using them thinly in washes like I would watercolour helps. But yeah.. it's a tricky old medium I have to say! I think these don't look too muddy though, even if you think the clouds one does.


I rather like the clouds one, but I can also see why it might feel uncomfortable. That 3rd piece feels very much like a you thing and I’m looking forward to what you have to say about it with film.


It's amazing how you can keep your style and way to paint in all the mediums... Gorgeous portraits indeed! 😍


The pink & blue portrait is amazing. I’m in love.


absolutely gorgeous <3


Your brush strokes are beautiful!


I don't use acrylic much but I've heard that blending on the page instead of in the palette produces brighter, more vivid colors! The artwork is lovely! I actually like the clouds one, though it definitely came out more realistic than super vivid, colors-wise. Reminds me of the sunsets I see here in California, though we don't usually have the big puffy cumulus clouds. Of the portraits I like the pink and blue one the best, the colors came out super bright and dreamy and it's so cute!

Aadishri Soni

will you be posting process videos for these. that'd be so useful


thanks! maybe I'll paint over the clouds one later on with better colors.


Gorgeous as always, Loish! ♥


Thanks for sharing the piece you sturggled with and explaining what you were trying to do.