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Can you believe it? Another month has passed! I feel like time passes a lot quicker in these coronavirus times. Thanks so much for your support in helping me create paintings, sketches and studies this month! I am having so much fun drawing new things, and it's all thanks to your support. Here's how the month went for me:


Just like last month, I’m continuing with the animal sketches in my sketchbook! It’s become my favorite way to relax while drawing. I’m really enjoying it and am thinking of maybe printing a little sketchbook with just animal sketches in them at some point in the future. We’ll see how it goes, first I need to draw enough to fill one up! I hope you liked seeing my take on our furry and feathered friends this month. 


For the first time in a long time, I’m drawing things that aren’t characters: I made some rock studies and drew some plants from my backyard. I always found this so difficult to do because there isn’t an expression or pose - basically the things that I use as a character artist to add appeal to the drawings. But at the same time it’s really freeing, and also a really interesting challenge to take on: how can I add expression and believability to things that are just objects? In the long run I am making these studies with the goal of enriching my digital paintings with more detail and texture variation.


When launching this patreon, my plan was to do monthly sketchbook tours! I only have 5 filled sketchbooks though, and I’ve now covered all of them. I still have a specific timeslot set aside each month to make video content, so I’m going to try some new things! You guys voted that you wanted to see some mini video tutorials, so I’m gonna start making those for the first time. I’ve only ever made very long tutorials in the past, so I’m curious to see how focusing on a smaller, more bite-sized topic will work out. Next month I will be making my first one, and I hope you’ll stick around to see what the result will be! 

I'll be sending out links to the google drive folder before the end of the month! As always, if you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to share them with me through a direct message or e-mail to business@loish.net. Any and all feedback is welcome! I hope you’ll continue to be my patron and enjoy the content coming up next month! ❤



Great work


For the video content slot maybe you can also do art critiques 🤔


I *so* enjoyed seeing those rock and plant studies. They feel like you, even if they're not characters. And your animal sketches were superb, too. Can't wait to see what you share with us next month, Lois! And woaaah it's going to be 6 months since you started your Patreon! How are we going to celebrate this? 🥳🥰


Thanks for the great work! :)


First month for me here, I'm really happy to support you and your work, you're an amazing artist :) I've really enjoyed the plant/rocks studies and the step by step posts. Can't wait to discover more of your mini tutorials. Enjoy your weekend :)


I feel like this should be a higher more expensive tier just because of how much work it takes


That’s also an option, of course! And would be helpful still...seeing artists like loish give feedback for others is always very helpful. But I need to point out that I didn’t mean that it would be done for every single patron. I was thinking that loish can choose 1 or 2 patrons to art-critique every month, like some artists do on their YouTube channels

Rob Callicotte

Loved this month. Variety. Expertise. Instruction. Getting to see into your processes helps so much.


thanks so much elise! really appreciate the support and i'm glad you like the content!


oh my god! thank you SO MUCH for the support! you are amazing!!!


this is a good idea! will definitely do that at some point in the future - maybe paintovers or something like this.


Hi Loish, what size canvas do you usually work on ?


usually the long edge between 5000-9000 pixels. whatever my computer can handle really.