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Did some rock studies today! I feel like the visual language of rocks and mountains is the complete opposite of characters. Where I strive for curved, organic lines with characters, these kinds of forms are chunky, jagged and rough. It’s such a challenge! So I figured I should practice with some studies and try to expand my skillset a bit. Hope you like! 




Where do you find these reference images?:)


And yet you still managed to give them a curvy aspect haha, looks awesome!


This will have been great practice for the volcano piece 😊


I really love your studies ! I tend to draw illustrations wich take place into caves but I don't know why because I don't draw rocks especially well XD Seeing your studies makes me want to try some too !


Beautiful! The first one is “Balanced Rock” in Garden of Gods park where I live 😊 I see this rock every weekend when I run in the park. I opened up your beautiful sketches and thought “Hey! I know that rock!” 😂


I always love your background studies. I'm really glad you're doing more of this background-related stuff lately.

Scott Thigpen

Amazing work. Lois, I've been studying your plant studies and posting them on IG (tagging you for credit). If that is any bit of an issue please let me know. It has been fascinating to learn


Oh I love this!


would love to see the process for your environment studies! :)


These are great, I find rocks so hard to paint!


Very nice. Picky me would like a little more "jaggies" in the rocks.


thank you! i showed this to a friend and she said something similar, that it was a bit lumpy. gotta keep practicing!!