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I’ve been thinking about creating a series where I take memories that I have, or common settings for recurring dreams, and turn them into paintings that have a dream-like feeling. I want them to convey a poetic, weightless vibe but also use them as a jumping off point to practice scenes and settings more. I struggle with making settings feel large and expansive, so that’s something I want to improve at!

Here are some thumbnails I put together, based loosely on reference pics of the Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia. This is a process that I use for my client work: creating 3 rough setups and then picking one to finalize. But now that I have them all together, I feel like I want to make all of them! Help me out, guys: which one is your favorite? 1, 2, or 3? And should I pick one, or finalize all three? 




I would love to see how you make all 3 but I clearly prefer the 1st with the blue in the crater and the yellow on the left :)


I like the compositions of number 1 and 3 the best, since I feel that there's a story being told here. And I also like the colours used in both as well. It's so hard to choose! But, If you feel like you want to do all of them I would love to see it. I'm looking forward to whatever you decide to do, it'll be beautiful regardless. :D

Yumiko Possamai

I like the composition of #3 most but it would be much better at night.


Having been close to the Mauna Kea in Hawaii and having such a surreal experience my vote goes to #2 but at nighttime =D However, since you want to extend your knowledge then why not do all three and explore them further? I actually think your "Nimbus" environment could suit these compositions as well


I love them all ! But the first one it’s my favourite 🤩☺️ but if you can you should definitely finish them all


I think the composition in the first one is the strongest (I also like the colors best in the first one) but the third is a close second!


They're all stunning! I love the first one the most though


My fav is the 3d !


I know the voting is likely over but 2 is the bomb.com!


I really like 3! You should finalize that, then revisit the first two to see if you want to finalize those.


i love all of them, but the first one is my favourite!...there is something with the color on it, specially that cyan in the back of the caracter!...like something really magical is happening there!


2 for suee