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What's up folks!

So, as you know, or maybe you do not know in which case you will know that I know and everyone knows that 1.3 and Ideology releases tomorrow.

Your favourite modding team has been working hard to make sure to deliver some very interesting content for that DLC, in the form of one thing that we know how to do: Pizza. What? No. New mods. That's the one.

I cannot confirm yet what mods will be released as part of the Vanilla Ideology Expanded - as there is some things that are not public knowledge yet, so obviously I can't disclose them, but one thing I can already show.

You know how your ideology can have a symbol, right? I'm sure there is plenty of those in the DLC already included, but It's such a low hanging fruit I just needed to add more. By more, I mean... MORE.

So I sat down for a day or two and just spewed an endless supply of symbols onto my Illustrator. Some of them can appear on random ideologies, some won't and can only be manually selected by you, the player.

Release date? Tomorrow, 5 minutes after the DLC drops.

This is just a first module of a new mini-series called Vanilla Ideology Expanded. More will be confirmed after DLC finally releases!

Let me know what you think!



Haha Oskar really is going brrrrr Honestly, you and the team are smashing this out of the park. I'm incredibly grateful for the work that you all do.


You say you guys gave us no pizza, but you gave us four pizzas in the form of Simple/Fine/Lavish/Gourmet Bakes. Those Ideology symbols are looking gorgeous, just looking at them give me so many colony ideas!


Warhammer set doesn't have Empire symbol??? BY SIGMAR, NO!!!


Um star trek set with star wars symbols?! I'm triggered


"Alright Tyrian here's 200 icons for ideology". "I'm gonna pick 80"... Well then reuse and recycle!


Can’t say I’ve ever subbed somebody on Patreon before but you are my first for the amazing work you do on these mods. This looks great.


I mean, I think you should consider adding a pizza symbol as an option.


minecraft symbol, but no dwarf fortress smiling dwarf symbol, woe be onto me :'(


Oskar you and your team absolutely spoil us!


The Star Trek set looks like Star Wars to me lol


And belatedly, cause that seemed rude in hindsight, this looks awesome and will subscribe right away, pizza or no pizza!


Any Idea at what time DLC will be published Oskar?


Yeah I know, i was Asking about time of realease


Couldn’t be me staying up till 12 hoping that the dlc will drop even though I’m almost positive it wont


I knew we'd be getting Idealogy Expanded! Woo! That reminds me, I need to come up with some kind of cult for the big update..... And having put those words on the internet I am now most likely on at least three watch lists. Oh well.


Nice work als always. By the way, as was already pointed out, the Star Trek set should be named Star Wars set, as that's what it is. Also, I don't know if the icons are colored ingame, if so a cool set would be a Star Trek Shirts set. Imagine having your combat pawns (= haulers and cleaners the rest of the time ;) ) be red shirts. XD


I'm pretty sure they are colorable. The "Spacer Manporkism" had a red symbol, even though it was from a player (cyan) faction. Though the other ideologion symbols seem to match their faction colors


May I suggest icons for the storytellers? Let our pawns literally pray to Randy, Cassandra or Igor Invader.