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Hey everyone! Apologies for the lateness on this, it should've been up yesterday afternoon but a tree fell during a storm and snapped a powerline! Thankfully damages across the city were lighter so they fixed it pretty quick (last year we lost power for a whole week lmao)!


Anyways I hope you enjoy this one! There are 4 parts to this story here, it seems Digby must have skipped reading the fine print when moving to the island and has found himself in some serious debt to Tom Nook... You'd think Isabelle being Tom's assistant would have warned him (maybe she's pocketing a cut of all this arbitrary debt!). So after completely rinsing Digby's wallet and accounts, he's putting him to work in the streets... I'm sure the other resident's will be happy~

There are fewer variations overall since because of the story and the posing, mixing and matching the versions wasn't very feasible! But there are the 4 parts + 2 variations for each with:
-Money in his stocking

In total, there are 16 versions (+another 16 for textless)


I hope you like it all! 



Dave M

I've thoroughly enjoyed this Patreon since I started subscribing. You rule!


Love it! And always a big fan of some body writing >:3

Thomas Wolf