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2023 is done! This year was pretty darn good for me!

It started off quite uncertain for me and I felt super anxious career wise... Nothing seemed to be working in professional industries... Between the writers/actors strike and film+animation industries just generally being on fire, the available contracts were few and far between and no studios seemed to be hiring remote workers anymore. None of my applications were going anywhere! Even at the places I'd worked before! But because of that, it pushed me more here! I decided to take the risk and hunker down and dedicate lots of time into this account and I'm so happy I did!

The growth and support I've had from you all has been mind-blowing and humbling. The fact I launched this page in February, and only started being public with it around May... Going from just 5 or 6 of us for those first few months all the way to ~250 now! It still feels unbelievable to even type that out... I really can't express my gratitude enough to you all, you're all truly making my dreams come true. Without your support here, I don't think I could've continued in the manner I have, I wouldn't have had the confidence that I could support myself independently with my art like this and would have had to go back to a fruitless job hunt and spend less time on the smut here ;3;

I'm also very happy with how my art has continued to develop! I think getting to do stuff like this has let me be more free with how I paint and my style has grown and refined itself into something I feel really happy to look at because of it :33 of course there's still PLENTY of room for improvement and I hope to dedicate my studies even more this upcoming year and get even better!

So genuinely, thank you all. From the bottom of my heart, it sounds cliché to say but truly, it's all of you have made any of this possible. I'm beyond excited for what 2024 will bring and I'm motivated to serve you even MORE spicy smut >:3c

Thank you <3




Heres to another year of amazing cuckold art amigo - 250 now. 2500 tomorrow, let's GO.


is this loss


YEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH Letsfreakinggetit!!! Wishing you 10X your page too :3333


Nop just says 2023 lollll (def not the first I've seen ask if this format was loss though)