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Willow normally is in and out of the locker room after practice but this time he got caught after showering by some of his teammates who find his "slightly smaller" member amusing~
Trying out a more loose and less finished style with this. I really like doing my usual rendering but it makes each painting take so much longer and sometimes I have lots of ideas in my head I never get to hit because of that :(
So I think with this I'd like to get better at having nicer looking lines that work with just some simple flats and a gradient or smth so I can get things done fast! I also want to start more comics and maybe some more animation too so I think improving my drawing skills is a good idea in general :3

Unfortunately I think since I've been so focused on just paintings for the past while, I was floundering around with this and it took me a while anyways... I think that will fix itself with time and practice though!
But what do y'all think of this? yay/nay? I still think I have some figuring out to do before I really dig it myself, but it's not a terrible start imo




Hhhmmm yeah you can tell the difference between this illustration and the previous ones, do looks less stylized but not for the bad side, looks good man

Tia Till

Absolute yay! It looks great and vibrant! Looking at it after you mentioned the different style I can see the difference, but otherwise I'm just really enjoying the piece, and as someone else said, I love to see those new ideas you have :)