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Hey everyone!
I wanna start with giving thanks to you all for your support over the last 9-10 months. I love that being able to support myself financially with my art here has been manifesting into reality! It’s deeply frustrating and not-pog that the livelihoods of NSFW creators are being threatened.

So I’m sure many of you have seen/heard about the updated TOS on Patreon and the subsequent panic among every nsfw artist using this platform so I wanted to make a lil update for you guys about plans for the future.

I’ve been VERY stressed over this as you can imagine, I have no idea if I'm catastrophizing how serious or strict they are going to be over everything or what will happen but I think it’s prudent of me to prepare contingencies for the worst case scenario just to be safe…

I don’t intend to abandon this page, I’m proud of it despite how frustrating this website can be sometimes and I love the lil community we have. But I won’t change the things I draw. So from now on I will be running a SubscribeStar alongside this page as a safety measure.

The two of these pages will be largely identical and updated at the same time, I already have my entire backlog of work from this site uploaded there, divided in posts just like they are here and tagged so it’s easy to search and navigate! Of course it’s possible that some drawings in the future may be locked to substar… but since the guidelines are so vague, I’m going to play things by ear for now and continue posting as normal.

Don’t feel obligated to join yet if you prefer Patreon! But if you have an account made there already, feel free to switch over at your leisure (or double dip if you’re feeling generous and have got cash to burn lol). But if not and you don’t feel like making one, that’s perfectly alright too and I’m still so so so grateful for any of your support here <3

Anyways sorry for the long ramble, TLDR:
Patreon getting more restrictive and anti-nsfw, me make subscribestar as backup in case, nothing big change yet, me grateful to you all mwah <3


Felix Sheeben

I’m totally out of the loop what exactly are the changes?


I'd recommend yeah, keeping your substar up to date with everything even if it's a hassle and start migratinf there little by little cause patreon is a sinking ship


Ah basically, payment processors have been forcing stricter nsfw rules for the sites that use them (Gumroad banned it all together, patreon is getting tighter) P's newest tos update has made any kind of non-con/cnc not allowed (among many other fetishes not relevant to this page ). Now I don't even draw CNC or anything like that but the issue is their wording is so intentionally vague that virtually any kind of depiction of bdsm or even penetration can be interpreted as non-con according to their guidelines! So a lot of ppl have been freaked out by it since by their own definitions pretty much every single artist on the platform is now or has been in violation :/


Yeahh, it's not too annoying to post there and here thankfully! I spent a whole night already going through the worst of it and getting my whole backlog there

Dave M

Will you please let us know if you start to post things on SubscribeStar that you aren't comfortable posting here on Patreon? I really like your stuff and I get FOMO.


Oh I absolutely would make an announcement about that dw! I don't plan on there being any difference in content right now, it's more of a backup! But if my brain ever gets even weirder in the future and I wanna draw things that can't be shared here, I'd be sure everyone knows!

Dave M

Weird is always fun. Thanks for the clarification! :) I love your page.