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So this is random, but Montana and I just completed our 10th watchthrough of breaking bad after finishing Better Call Saul, and since we’re about to film FMAB ep 25 and 26, we would love to take like 10 minutes to discuss our thoughts on the series!

Comment questions about major themes, characters, arcs, or anything about either series below!



One of my favorite parallels between BB and BCS is the regression of characters who seem to be more morally upstanding than their counterparts (e.g. Kim regressing beyond Saul, Walt regressing beyond Jesse), and the idea that “normal” and “upstanding” citizens can become more dangerous than the people who “corrupted” them. Is that something you guys notice/agree with, or do you think the dynamics between Walt/Jesse and Kim/Saul have a different (or no) correlation? Sorry this is worded pretty badly LMAO I’ve never been great at articulating my thoughts on this dynamic


There is a group of "fans" that came out of the Breaking Bad series who fully stand with Walt and his actions. Saul's story in BCS was an inverse of Walt's storyline & how he ended things. Do you think there is still validity in the fan belief that Walt is just an anti-hero.....and might as well ask while I'm here, do you think Saul is an anti-hero by the end of his arc? PS: I think Saul & Kim are the best duos/couple to ever exist in live action drama tv....what are ya'lls opinion. Thank you for posting this, can't wait to see what you both felt about the show and what your favorite parts were :)


1. Have you watched El Camino, and if so, what did you think of it? Personally, I loved it as a final send off for Jesse. And now that you've seen both series, ultimately, which do you think is better? And do you think Breaking Bad still holds up in modern times? I've noticed that the general opinion of the show has gone down a bit, probably as a response to all the praise it received. But I still think it's one of television's greatest series of all time.


Do you think the children’s toys in the background in gus’ house and the fact Gus mentions his kids to Walt is a ploy to gain Walt’s trust or do you think he secretly has a family? Also what do you think about the fact that the toys were gone once Jesse visits?


Yeah, I guess they're still fans even if they didn't get a healthy takeaway from the show


Thoughts on the relationship between Walter and Jesse? Do you think Walter truly came to view Jesse as a son, and were his actions towards Jesse mostly manipulation or a genuine concern for Jesse?


What hypothetical interaction between characters from either series would have been cool to see that we didn't see because of death or timelines. Mine would be seeing a conversation between Chuck McGill and Walter White(Heisenberg Walter White not early seasons Walter White)


What are your thoughts on the three endings for the main characters shown at the end of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and El Camino? Do you think each character deserved the ending they got?


What are your thoughts on jimmy and Kim’s relationship?

KT Bees

What thought about Jesse Pinkman consumes you the most? For me, honestly, it's the whole plot with Jane.

Allan Castellon

Why do you think Jimmy was able to Change for the better by the end where Walt only partially improved? was there a significant factor in your mind that made Jimmy able to pull himself out of his worst self that Walt literally had to reach his deathbed to touch?