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A rather un-exciting bonus surprise for yoouuu guys! I just thought that some of you might find this interesting as I've been making yogurt at home for about half a year now? Maybe a little less. And as confusing as it seems the first time you make it, after that first batch, it becomes muscle memory. Just a little extra video instead of a doodle, for those of you who might actually want to try. I hope you enjoy!!

As for me I'm almost back to normal, have a mild cough and some congestion still but it's almost gone. I hope you're all well <3 


let's embark on a yogurt-making adventure. no one asked for this but here it is lol

If you like this video give it a like, subscribe, and tell me what else you want to see from me! Nymfy x ___________________ BUSINESS INQUIRIES ✖︎ nymfyofficial@gmail.com SOCIALS ✖︎ YouTube ✖︎ https://www.youtube.com/@NymfyASMR SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ✖︎ Patreon ✖︎ https://www.patreon.com/nymfyofficial



Glad you're feeling better. Shit blows when you get sick unexpectedly, but I know better than anyone that sweet, sweet feeling of relief once you get better 😌 That "milk skin" is actually this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_skin#:~:text=When%20milk%20is%20boiled%2C%20soluble,which%20then%20dries%20by%20evaporation. and believe it or not...a Bulgarian Psychoanalyist actually gets a mention here 🤔 PS: You still taking DM's? I know it's been a busy month so I just wanted to check if everything was good with you 🤗


I am I am, I'll get back to everyone soon. It blows really badly. I had so many plans after all the dental stuff and getting back home and life was just "nOPE" Oh I was close enough then, I knew that it was something related to protein. "milk skin" reminds me of "corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hotdog" from jenna marbles hahahahahaha the corn bone still kills me


Glad you are feeling better :) Hopefully February is a better month for you! Thanks for the impromptu yoghurt tutorial, I'll have to have a go and see if I can impress my craft-y friends haha... !


Yeah kefir is great too! It’s slightly carbonated right? I’m super unfamiliar with kefir and how it’s made though


Ahhahaha 😂 you should totally have a go! Let me know if you do try