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hahaha in case you were wondering what I was seeing when filming that video. The tree at that point was completely not-decorated so I threw all of that stuff on while filming, in that one particular spot 😂

That second photo is when I filmed the blue yeti video. I had to sit on a blanket because our floors are absolute ice, they're... terracotta? They look like hardwood but they're like... terracotta? stone? I don't even know what material but they're absolutely freezing.

The third one with the fluffy pens that I've been (overusing) in videos lately is from that personal attention video with the face and hair play that you guys really liked! Look at that bare tree hahahaah. And on a side note I just filmed another lo-fi personal attention video today, with only hair play on your 'bangs' hahaha still deciding if I'll upload it this month or if I'll save it for January!

That last photo makes me laugh because whenever there's hair involved in videos or any other facial procedure with skincare or stickers etc... it just gets piled on top of the lens/camera 😂 When I filmed today I had to tape the bangs to the back of my phone and just cross my fingers that they wouldn't keep falling.

I hope you guys don't mind some of the phone-filmed videos lately, by the way! You know how there are pens that help you write better, and have better handwriting? It's something about the grip of the pen, the ballpoint, the ink etc... I feel like filming on my phone helps me make more asmr noises if that makes any sense. I just feel like it helps me make better asmr, whatever that means 😂 I mostly reach for lo-fi, very simple asmr in general when I want to relax/fall asleep, just because (I've mentioned this before) it feels more relatable/close/warm/cozy. So when the video quality is lower, it just feels more tingly. Is this making *any* sense??🤣 I also just like switching it up from time to time. But if you guys aren't enjoying the phone-filmed videos, I'll switch back to only using the big camera! 

Anyway, tooodles! Have a good sleep (or morning) 🤍



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2023-12-23 12:52:28 🤣 I have literally decorated one 3rd of my tree, as its in the corner i thought it pointless to decorate the parts I cannot see. I bet that floor is cold being made of clay, you need to get yourself some cozy thick rugs to sit on. You and your camera have matching hair styles 😊
2023-12-19 08:19:21


Nymfy's camera so advanced that it has it's own hair care routine.


Yeah the wall-facing part can stay empty 😂 there's a certain charm in it 🤣 I googled it and apparently it's possible that it's "porcelain stoneware" whatever that means 😂 I avoid getting rugs because it doubles the cleaning work, but a blanket is good enough if I'm filming on the floor ahhaha