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I'm curious, is there something that's super annoying for you to hear in asmr videos?

For me it's:

  • sharp whistle-y Ss (I do my best to soften them for asmr)
  • saliva-swallowing sounds or water gulping (it's like nails on a chalkboard for me, I try to cut those out whenever I remember)
  • Whistle-y nose breathing/inhales (can't. do. it)
  • wind-puff sounds whenever there's no foam or fuzzy windscreen on the mic
  • I din't think I need to mention engine revving do i hahaha

I can't think of anything else but these are the top things that reaaaally bug me, especially when i notice them in my own videos. I've trashed more than a few videos for some of these ahahha.



I don’t like much about medical asmr. Same for high pitch sounds for some reason. Don’t know if happen because they are too near the mic.


Medical asmr can be anxiety-inducing sometimes. But so many people find it relaxing too, it’s funny how different we all are. I agree with the high pitched sounds, they can really hurt your ears! Especially if the audio isn’t balanced out at least after


I actually can't stand fast ASMR. I don't know why it's so popular, it makes me anxious as fuck and makes my ADD worse not better.