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Hi! How is everyone doing?

Here's another little recommendations post with random things that I've been enjoying lately. A few relaxing cooking youtube videos and countryside things that have been bringing me peace, a really interesting podcast episode about glucose, and some other little ideas and thoughts! 

To Watch


To Listen to (Podcasts)

To Listen to (Music)

To Eat

  • Baked pumpkin with cinnamon (it’s in season, and helped with sugar cravings)
  • Roasted nuts & seeds (made some roasted almonds yesterday with salt - I forgot how good roasted almonds are. I absolutely cannot eat them raw without any salt, I don’t know how people do it haha)

To Do

  • Find a cool museum, art gallery, public library, pumpkin patch nearby, a coffee shop you always admire from outside but never enter for whatever reason, even just by yourself. Just to do something different. I try to do at least one thing of the sort per month

To Drink

  • Jasmine green tea (it’s so aromatic, you have to try If you haven’t already)
  • Fresh herbal tea (get some fresh mint leaves, or fresh thyme, fresh oregano, fresh basil leaves (or maybe you even have a basil plant at home) etc… and boil them. Herbal tea tastes so different fresh, and it’s very good for you. Overnight infusions are even better!


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