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Here it iiis, the drawing video for the doodle I posted yesterday! Guys... I had a few cozy topics outlined (which will have to be left for another video) because I wanted to chat while I 'painted' but my brain had other plans. As you may know, I can't do two separate things at once. I can't talk while doing stuff, especially if it's unrelated. I could have talked while painting to explain the choices I was making for example, why I was picking certain colours, why I was doing this or that... but talking about completely separate topics while drawing on the iPad was IMPOSSIBLE for me. I wanted to try... I just knew it wouldn't work out but I wanted to try...... and chaos, just absolute chaos 😂 so ignore my lack of eloquence, syntax and vocabulary. Just ignore the dialogue altogether  😂 I was thinking about doing a voice over but the screen/pencil taps were so good😭 Women are supposed to be good at multutasking 😓

Rant over 😂 I just deep cleaned the entire apartment, now I am about to make dinner, which will honestly probably be fruit because I had a really late lunch today. The whole place smells like vinegar 😂(I clean with baking soda and white vinegar).

I hope you enjoy it anyway though 🥸 P.S I just filmed such a visually pleasing video for August 🤓 I hope you all had a good weekend!

I totally forgot to add the reference photos I used for this!



ASMR Drawing on the iPad🌟

If you like this video give it a like, subscribe, and tell me what else you want to see from me! Nymfy x ___________________ BUSINESS INQUIRIES ✖︎ nymfyofficial@gmail.com SOCIALS ✖︎ YouTube ✖︎ https://www.youtube.com/@NymfyASMR SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ✖︎ Patreon ✖︎ https://www.patreon.com/nymfyofficial



I wasn't originally going to comment for this video, but I'd like to get my opinion on something you said this video that i just couldn't let go...even if nobody really cares to see it. I'm not into fashion nor do I really care about the topic. I wear what feels comfortable to me and that's that. However... I own lots of shirts, shorts, pants, and shoes. I don't care about fabric or material because I know how to properly take care of my stuff. I've had jackets I've owned for 12 years that look as new as the day I bought it. I've got shoes that I've owned since I started college that fit just fine. As far as I see it, it's not a matter of "fast fashion" so much as how you take care of your belongings. Things like "how not to wash stuff" or "never dry clothing this way". Simple things that people tend to ignore that leads to their clothing not lasting for more than a year. That said, It doesn't all have to be about "uncluttering", no offense. I just feel like what you're arguing for is from more of a "fashion" viewpoint rather than a "function". Most people on this planet I'd argue would like to own more than a single pair of shoes, jacket, shirt...etc. It's not so much "consumerism" culture that you should be arguing against (in my opinion) but rather "buyers regret". Countless people buy things we others would judge as "unnecessary", but that's on them if they purchase it. If they feel unsatisfied with their purchase, then that's a simple case of "buyers regret". Weather it's a car, electronic, furniture...doesn't matter. That person thought that something would make them happy, only for it to not be the case. I agree that a lot of people buy the most dumbfounding things that I personally do not see the use in, but if that person is happy with said item for years to come...who are we to judge? For example, one of my best friends loves "hypebeast" shoes. (If you've never heard of it, don't bother looking it up.) So, he's been collecting these shoes for years and has over 150 pairs of shoes that are worth, in total, just shy of 26,000 dollars. Whats worse, he only wears around 6 pairs of shoes. None of those are apart of those 150 too. I asked him what he plans on doing with them, and he very plainly said..."nothing". That said, I don't judge him for it. It's his money, therefore he's free to spend it how ever he pleases. Just like he doesn't judge me on how I spend my money. It's the sheer thought of "owning" these things, that gives people joy. Consumerism sucks ass, but we've all bought dumb shit that those around us would shake their fists at us for owning. Still, if it brings us joy and happiness, nobody should tell us otherwise. So please, if you take anything from this comment, dont jump to "consumerism=bad". Like it or not, consumerism is a major part of our world economy and is just a part of what helps society keep going everyday.


No you're absolutely right. I had many points similar to this that I didn't end up articulating. It's absolutely about the way you take care of your clothes, and not about mass decluttering and more about using what you already have and making the most of that. Because there's another point where, you may declutter something and have to once again... buy it😂 I think for me it has become a weird chronic thing where as soon as stress or the need for organization strikes, I start looking for stuff to get rid of. Not the best route 😂 Things give us joy. My crystal collection would have been completely useless to someone else but to me it gave me value. So, same with your friend and his shoes. It's not consumerism-bad, but consumerism-at-least-mindful, where we should think about what we're buying and why we're buying it beforehand to avoid, as you said, buyer's regret. I've purchased so many things that I ended up not using at all or throwing away. Everyone prefers to live in different ways. My grandma for example thinks I'm absolutely insane 😁 I was just explaining more of my personal experience, but also that it's a battle to find a balance, because I'm very black or white, all or nothing, so with any phase I find it difficult to find a comfortable/healthy middle ground.🥸


What a beautiful drawing!! 💗