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How are you all doing? I wanted to give you a little random mini spam update from the past few weeks, and from a 35 degree oven, before this Sunday's video upload.

The book: I know I've mentioned how much I love herbs, and how important healing with herbs is to me. I take medicine whenever I need to, but I'll always try something natural/herbal first, or combine it with medicine. This little book I found that my grandma told me about is so cute. It's about exactly that, and what ailments you can heal with which herbs, explained very simply as it's a tiny book. There's one herb in particular that I love, that works actual wonders. It's called smoketree and the latin name for it is "Cotinus obovatus" and it works to pull gunk from wounds, infections, etc... you can soak parts of your body in it or you can swish the tea mixture in your mouth if you have an infection there. The speed with which it works is kind of miraculous.

The daisy photo: another cool thing: I got an ipad! So this was the first thing I drew to test out how Procreate works hahahaha.

The stitches & zipper: remember how I said I've been sewing? These were my first zig zag stitches, pretty straight I'd say. Then we go on to see how crookedly I sewed the zipper onto the fabric (I fixed it the next day but the crookedness made me laugh so hard)

The croutons: For some reason the supermarket I go to gave me a free baguette hahaha and since I'm not too big on bread, it went stale after 2 days, and my family has taught me never to throw out bread (food in general but absolutely never bread), so I chopped it up and turned the cubes into croutons! Drizzled some olive oil, oregano, salt and pepper and wow. When was the last time you made homemade croutons? Elbowing you in the ribs to do it for your next salad!!

The fried fish: Do you guys have this, if you eat fish? In Bulgarian they're called Tsa-Tsa (lol) I'm not even sure about the literal name but usually you'll order the little fried fish, with an order of fries, and have a beer alongside them. It's the best summer food!

Anyway, spam: over! I hope you're all well and see you Sunday :)




Oh, the little fried fish! My maternal grandmother made them every year for Christmas Eve; as I got older, we dn't have them as much because I'm the only other one that eats them besides her. She's Italian, and got the idea from her father. She's been calling them "smelts" my entire life, so that's what I immediately thought of when I saw the pic lol

Jackson Sinnenberg

Didn't make croutons per se, but there's this great Gordon Ramsay recipe for lamb with fried bread where you take not quite stale bread and soak it in milk and fry it and serve it with pan-fried lamb steaks with this salty, savory anchovy and caper dressing