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Guys... when I saw these I just about had a heart attack and I had... HADD to get some. It took a lot of willpower not to get more. My plan was to, once finished, tape the backs and frame them as little pieces of art. I think I will stack 3 in one area, then do the last 4th on a small narrow wall or in the bathroom or something. They're so precious and tiny, my heart almost can't take it. 

How are you guys doing? Cooking in your own sauce? 😂 That's an expression in Bulgarian, when you're super hot and sweaty from the weather.

So today, rather proudly, I went to the dentist and I ticked off one checkbox from my health maintenance list. Next up: scoliosis 😂 and eventually some wisdom teeeeffff 🥰 that'll be fun 😂 random question: those of you who had your wisdom teeth taken out, did you ever get dry socket or did they sew you up to avoid that? I've had one wisdom tooth taken out and I think I didn't sleep for like 3 days straight out of paranoia that I'll get dry socket 😂 

I've been eating so much fruit - cherries, apricots, peaches, tomatoes.. even though they're not the best-best yet because it's still early, but obviously still much better than the imported fruit and veg during winter. 

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the video 🤍 I hope you had a good week, do you have any weekend plans?


Doing a Mini Jigsaw Puzzle of Famous Paintings ✨ Girl with a Pearl Earring

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Good luck with the health stuff! I feel like I have a bad habit of putting that stuff off. I never ended up getting dry socket, but after reading people's experiences, I was deathly afraid too. They sew up the incision, but they told me not to eat any seeds or grainy foods that could get stuck in there. I just drank a lot of water and made sure to keep it pristine back there. She said the real risk of it is only usually for the first few days. The worst part for me was not being able to smoke or vape, but I feel like that would have absolutely given me dry socket lol


Yeah the risk is for the first few days, I think the first 72 hours or something so in that time I was constantly waiting for a pass out type of pain to hit if the clot got dislodged 😅 A friend said when they had theirs taken out, the doctor told them no smoking, and they were:🤷…….and guess what happened next😂


Why was this so satisfying to watch. I was constantly staring at the puzzle my brain didn't wander around either. This video is perfect like it's literally both satisfying and so interesting to watch. I hope your tooth pain and scoliosis get fixed without any problem 😰. Fun fact, I have once assisted an oral surgeon in pulling out someones wisdom tooth surgically 😅. It was a really complicated case. Fun fact 2, I have been recommended by a dentist to get my all 4 wisdom teeth removed out surgically(because my wisdom teeth still haven't emerged fully) 😅 for better opening and coordination of my jaw joints😂. I would love all part 4 of these mini adorable puzzles ♥️. They are so adorable. And last thing, botanically speaking tomatoes are actually fruit because they are ripened ovary and if you slice a tomato you can see it's placentation and it's ovules, which is a feature of a fruit. But legally speaking, I heard that tomatoes are classified as vegetable by US supreme court 😂😂 idk how true is that.


Amazing video!! 💘💘💘