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Halooo 🌞 I hope you guys are all doing well! If not, if you need a small pick-me-up, I hope this video can serve as a relatable, well-timed helping hand. I shared some funny stories/experiences with you, talked about what gives me anxiety and asked what gives you anxiety, we did a relaxation exercise engaging the 5 senses, I gave you some homework to try to calm yourself down or balance yourself out, and we also talked about a self-soothe box - basically, what you would put inside a little box with items that mean something to you, that would calm you down or help in times of stress/panic. I have so many personally that I always hold/look at/keep in my pocket.

Are there any ideas you have for an anxiety video? Little things we could talk about or ways I could help you? The self soothe box thing was so interesting, I came across it in a blog post for helping children with anxiety. Anyway, I do hope you enjoy it!

I also tried the orange-turquoise colour grading style for this video. I look a little... orange 🤪
Are you taking care of your health? I have a list of things I need to get through. I have to go to the dentist for a cleaning and check-up, I also need to do an x-ray and go to the chiro (I have mild scoliosis) and just do a general check for everything. If there's anything you've been avoiding, go and do it!!
I hope you have a wonderful sleep (hang in there, weekend is coming soooon)


Just Some Anxiety Relief✨Cheering U Up, Sharing Funny Stories & Giving U Mental Health Homework

If you like this video give it a like, subscribe, and tell me what else you want to see from me! 00:00 Intro + pep talk 06:45 forehead + eyebrow + shoulder massage to release stress/tension 09:36 talking about 3 things that give us anxiety 15:18 sharing some funny/embarrassing stories to make you laugh 22:00 what would we put in our self-soothe/anti-stress box/ 29:27 imagery/relaxation exercise with the 5 senses 32:27 Brushing your face (while I give you mental health homework) 36:58 what's on your learn list? what do you want to learn more about? Nymfy x ___________________ BUSINESS INQUIRIES ✖︎ nymfyofficial@gmail.com SOCIALS ✖︎ YouTube ✖︎ https://www.youtube.com/@NymfyASMR SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ✖︎ Patreon ✖︎ https://www.patreon.com/nymfyofficial



I have been litreally praying for a video like this for a month now and it feels like a blessing. The window open is perfect vibe. Nymfy, this lighting and the mic setup and the background is so nice. It is so lovely and cozy. I love how pure it feels. The advice that you shared with us in the pep talk section is the best advice that could be given. Our brain lies to us most of the times. Almost everyone knows this but but not everyone knows this because this takes a lots of practice and patience, understanding And acceptance to actually get there. It saves relationships, friendships, business, connection, health, wealth and what not. I loved the leaving the house analogy, it is so impressive. I say the same thing to myself as well. That walking in the room that in already full of people is so damn relatable 😭😭🤣. I get so self conscious and so nervous. But now I have got used to it, so what I do now is I slightly deepen my voice and walk with little strut so no one knows that I am shaking inside 🤣🤣. Oh, you definitely have shared this story with us before in 2020. Ever since you have shared this story, I have had 11 such incidents where I felt like my bladder would burst open and then everytime I would remember your story. The last incident was me running to restroom in a completely full cinema hall during the climax of the Batman. I am so glad we had corner seats. One funny thing is that I don't know what lavender smells like but idk why but I really wanted you to dislike it like I have always believed that it's something Nymfy would dislike 🤣🤣 and you do🤣🤣 That vagus nerve activation and that hand thing are actual thing and super important information. A friend of mine suffers from postural deformations and vagus nerve compression. He has been in a state of "functional freeze" because of it. He told me that the nerves originate from the back of the head and go through the all body and if your cranial nerves are compromised or if you have got cervical problem then your hands and feet will most likely go numb or tingle like sparkle. If it gets worse you might lose flexion capacity or strength of your grip of your wrist/hand. So massaging your neck or pressing the the area between thumb and finger can actually help ease out the nerve compression and increase both body mobility and help releive mental strain as well. In my soothing box, I have lots of diaries 🤣🤣 and pens 😅 and bank cards 😭 I love bank cards😭😂 And Nymfy trust me I have been doing this mental health home work for a month now and it's been really nice thing. I look at the sky and clouds, I don't use earphones in general and my Spotify was 90% of your songs recommendations and now I know why we have not gotten any new recommends😅😅 so I have been using Spotify a lot less toooo. I have been walking barefoot on grass (activates vagus nerve) and admiring the surroundings🥹. Your knowledge and information are way too impressive and much needed and these are things I want people to talk about more😭. These are the things that actually matter. That's really valuable knowledge and experiences you have got there. One last thing Nymfy, it's really sad that you are suffering from scoliosis. Nymfy idk what are you feeling or what else or how much is it affecting your body but please I suggest you actually request you to watch "conor harris" videos(my friend suggested him). Harris is an expert on body mechanics and says that our "body is an environment, you cannot take just one part of the body and just work on it alone, you also need to know what else is our body doing to compensate the stance you are in" Although His most views are from people with the rare postural deformity chains and patterns but still I request you to watch one of his videos on uneven back or any relatable topic🙏🙏


Very nice 🥰


Hey, I really enjoyed the video. As I appreciate your kindness. And, although, I basically never get anxiety about anything (I don't get stage fright, I'm great in a crisis, and confrontation to me is like a dessert that I dip my spoon in), attractive women with strong personalities are the only thing that can rattle me. And, holy crap, recently, a few things happened to me that kinda fucked me up. My roommate/landlord is a yoga instructor who likes to party pretty hard. And he's been letting these crazy women stay with us (3 different women at separate times). Without telling me. And it's one thing to approach a woman, or to date her. But it's quite another to be suddenly sharing a living space. Sharing my bathroom. Seeing them every day. And I liked all of them. I liked talking to them. They were cool and fun most of the time. However, I would trust none of them with my health, as they were all questionable (people will say anything for sex, will lie, and condoms break, and they don't even protect you from everything). Anyways, what rattled me most was the constant judgements I could feel underneath the surface of our conversations. The greedy imposing selfishness. And it wore on me. Like, I'm sorry that just because you're walking around half naked, or undressing completely in the kitchen, and timing it accordingly, does not mean that I'm going to instantly do what's expected (talk to me like I'm a person, please, and be my friend). Then more judgements. And then one of them got really mean when I did not act accordingly. She made me question everything about myself. Made me feel horrible for the artistic life that I've chosen. When she's an accountant who's obsessed with meaningless glamor and money. Bragging about her house and all of her stuff. I felt extremely anxious at times, and absolutely horrible during others. And there were times where I was afraid to walk into the room where one of them was because I didn't want to be judged. Or because I was expected to do or say something. Then one night I was drinking with a different one and she did everything she could to turn me on. And I almost fucked up. Until she called me casually with a smile "a fucking bitch." Being drunk and stoned, it hurt me instantly, and I shut myself in my room. I could hear her stomping around the house all pissed off at me for not fucking her. And thank God that I didn't. Anyways, I'm so secure with who I am and I'm actually shocked that the one woman knocked me that far off balance. Since then, I bought a nylon string guitar and, although I'm quite good at electric guitar, I've been learning flamenco and classical with the fingerpicking style (oh my god it's so fun!). And I also want to take swing dancing lessons soon. So that I can dance to all the jazz that I love so much. Well--there's some funny/fucked up things that have happened to me recently. And, I have to say, Wow, wow. How is it that you're this beautiful? It's actually ridiculous. Anyways, I hope that you're doing well. Please, sit straighter (your poor back!). And take care. ❤️

Jackson Sinnenberg

I realized after watching some videos on isolation/solitary confinement that I could very easily go for weeks without seeing friends and family so I'm trying to schedule more time for that


Your content is incredible! How can I up my contribution? Is it possible?


I really needed this. TYSM! 💘💗