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Hi everyone! Sooo I've decided to rebrand my Patreon! In the last few months I’ve been doing a big life declutter. I’ve gone through my belongings and Marie Kondo’d a crazy amount of stuff. I’ve also done a digital declutter and I’ve gone through and taken down some videos from Patreon.

I have been feeling incredibly inspired to change up my content! I am generally like this, where every few years or every few months I like to wipe the slate clean and start anew! And I highly encourage you to do the same in any areas of your life where you feel like you’re ready to take a new direction!! I am feeling so GOOD and happy and excited for this 😩🎉

In the coming days I will make a post explaining the tiers will be updated. My content will completely change - I will be making videos like what you've been seeing recently!

videos like:

⭐️Fun activity videos (similar to the rainbow scratchboard, magazine flip throughs, videos filmed from above etc...)
⭐️Drawing videos
⭐️Recipe videos
⭐️Lifestyle videos (rambles & chats, favourites etc…)
⭐️Cozy random videos



I only see one of my favorites that look like it’s gone so I am not disappointed haven’t watched it in a while anyway lol. I love drawing videos and recipe videos so I look forward to seeing what comes. Keep up the good work and be true to yourself and your art.


I'm sure that men will never quite understand what it's like having to look "good" all the time. And then to be valued as such based on your looks. And I can only imagine what competition is like on the platform, and what it must be like to see such young vacuous people constantly rolling in without any real affection for ASMR, or for the people who create it (unfortunately, popularity will always be a challenge for anyone who doesn't appear to be super young and "white"). But I want to say, that despite all of my compliments about how great you look, and how sexy you are (they'll both remain true, in spite of yourself—and I think you look better, now, than you ever did); I like you because you're more than that: you're candid and fun, you seem genuinely kind, you have a great friendly personality—and, unlike many of the senseless egoists in this world, you don't actually believe that you're better than me. In other words, you seem like someone I could be friends with. And I apologize if any of my compliments have gone "over the line" in terms of decency and dignity at any point. But I always meant well, and with a sense of the most utter indifference—as I haven't an ounce of selfishness in my blood. Anyways, in my heart, I'll always cheer for you. And I'll continue to support you. Even though, I must be honest, it won't be as nice seeing less of your face, and consequently, less of your personality. But, you, my friend, are much braver than I. As, I can't even stand having my picture taken. Let alone, being in front of a camera to create videos (one day, I'll have to do it, though: as commentary for my books, to record my audio books, as well as, the other talents that I've accumulated, in order to promote myself). Do what makes you happy and keeps you well. Because you're lovely. Because you deserve it. Because you've worked so hard. Because you're wonderful. 🧡