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Hallooo! Just a heads up the actual scratchy part starts at around 5:20.

This is one of the cozy Feb videos I was talking about last time. I find videos like this so intriguing and relaxing, personally. I hope you enjoy it. I plan to do more videos like this. Simple little activities that are oddly relaxing. Lately, I have been falling asleep to Soy ASMR, her videos are amazingly well done and this one was my personal favourite haha it genuinely knocked me right tf out:


I am also in the middle of editing a cooking video that I'm really excited about. I already have some snack ideas for the next one!

I hope this week is treating you guys well 🦋 What have you been up to? I can't get enough of the sun we've been having every day here.

Goodnight and goodnap from me ⭐️


Drawing on ✨Magic✨ Rainbow Scratch Paper 🌈 Paper sounds, Whispering, Scratchy Sounds

If you like this video give it a like, subscribe, and tell me what else you want to see from me! Nymfy x ___________________ BUSINESS INQUIRIES ✖︎ nymfyofficial@gmail.com SOCIALS ✖︎ YouTube ✖︎ https://www.youtube.com/@NymfyASMR SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ✖︎ Patreon ✖︎ https://www.patreon.com/nymfyofficial



Oh if you like board games, I can definitely give you some recs. I'd check out (in order): *Wingspan*, 7 Wonders (requires 3p or more), 7 Wonders Duel (separate 2p game that is great), Dominion, Splendor, Tiny Towns, King of Tokyo, and of course Settlers of Catan are all fun games that are relatively easy to get into. Dominion also has like 20 expansions so if you like it, there's a lot of expandability to be had. If you want more 'hardcore' games, I really like Terraforming Mars, Caverna, Twilight Struggle, and Through The Ages. These games are all a lot bigger/longer but if you get 'into' the hobby, they're all fantastic! Anyway, longest ever comment from me but you got me excited, hope you enjoy the recs.


Screenshotted and noted thank you!! I’ve never seen those in stores, or perhaps I’ve never paid attention to the board game section 🤔tiny towns sounds adorable😭 and wingspan looks so beautifully done! Will check for them next time I’m out! Thank you so much Bob!!


It's like your stream of consciousness is slowly being revealed.... Art was never my strong point, I was better at graphic design which I still do now using PC as a hobbie. When younger board games I played were the usual Chess, Drafts, Cluedo, Scabble, Snakes and Ladders and Monopoly.😂 I can relate years ago I threw stuff out including LP's though started buying them again.