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I hope you guys are doing okay, and I hope your holidays have been filled with joy and tons of positive energy! I want to just say thank you for your support this past year, for sending me kind messages, funny messages, for watching these videos and (hopefully) enjoying them, and for introducing me to cool new music and art and snacks!

I can only hope that for this upcoming year, each and every one of you is calm. I've learned over the years that a lot of the things I prioritized when i was younger were so trivial and unimportant. I hope each and every one of you is healthy, and calm. There's nothing better than inner peace. If that means you need to care less, laugh more at your stress, do more of what makes you feel good, read more, garden, work on your car or motorcycle, cook...do it! If you experienced hardship or your health wasn't the best this year, I hope in the next you can feel healthy again, and feel like yourself again. I hope you find more moments of quiet and more moments where you find yourself smiling.

Through my videos, I hope I can give you a little bit of laughter and some sleepiness, because what’s better than laughing and sleeping? Laughter heals. I just want to give some mental peace to others through my videos, find fulfilment in what I do and find the strength to laugh more, both at myself and at life. It's what I always tell you guys to do, and sometimes I forget to do it myself. I actually forget to do it, most of the time. I think we should have a think about some New Years resolutions and share them with each other this week! Could be tiny or grand, anything really.

I’m positive about the year ahead (even though time is an illusion but let’s not go down *that* wormhole now shall we 🤣). All of you guys - head up!

This past week I received a card In the mail from one of my best friends who lives really far away from me, and it said:   Here are a few things I know: You are strong. You are growing. There is hope. I love you.

And it made me cry big puddly tears. So I pass those words onto you hoping that you enter this year with confidence and love for yourself, a big dose of minimal fuck-giving, and a healthy amount of fuck-giving for the right things. Please know that you are ***okay*** and that we’re all mirrors of each other - we’re all going through the same things in one way or another.

Sending hugs and love for your hopefully lazy and cozy January 1st.

- Nymfy



Thank you crazy J! It's normal to lose interest in certain things after a while, I hope you can still find the needles in the haystack every once in a while whether from me or other creators. I hope your new year is off to a good start! And I hope the rest of it is better than 2022!


happy new year nymfy, can't wait to see what you have in store for this year