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I went to the eye doctor to see how my eyes are since im always so tired after being on the computer for so long. Long story short I have astigmatism 😂 which apparently most of the world has so whatever, I just have to be more careful and mindful about how I use my time on my phone and computer. Which I was planning on doing but having doctoral confirmation has helped immensely in kicking my ass to start being more mindful 😂 and those pupil dilating eye drops are wild.

I also made the most amazing chicken and potatoes last night! Chicken with mustard and olive oil and lemon juice and salt and pepper marinade. And the potatoes a bunch of dried herbs and paprika and salt pepper and oil. But you need to cover the pan with aluminum foil so it can steam and the chicken can get soft, then you uncover it for the last half to get a nice colour and crisp. So good.

I’m also thinking it’s probably time to put the Christmas tree up soon! When do you guys put yours up, if you celebrate this time of year? Or maybe there’s another symbol for “Christmas” that you use or put up during the holidays? Or maybe it’s not even holidays for you, just December 😅

I really wish I could drop voice notes here in these posts!

Today I’m going to make a red wine kebab if I have time, since it takes a few hours, and I want to also carve out some time to do a tiny go for a longer walk. Nothing crazy. Just to “rest my eyes”. Oh and I need to do some gift wrapping. I’ve started early this year hahaha. Although I don’t go over the top during Christmas because it’s all a marketing scheme but that’s a whole other topic 😂

What did you guys do sat and sun? Video coming tom 🖤

I hope you’re taking care of yourselves!



It was a relaxing weekend! Watched the series finale of TWD🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️


I’ve never seen the walking dead! At first seeing the abbreviation I thought it was The Vampire Diaries 😂

