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How was your weekend?? I just made a cake that I call a cloud cake, it’s called Sharlotka/шарлотка. It’s my favourite cake since it’s so light like a cloud, and filled with sour apples. Then you dust it with some powdered sugar and you can also add a big dollop of whipping cream on the side.

In case any of you like baking!:


I also had this idea to watch the entire Harry Potter movies since I think I’ve only seen 1 in my life and wasn’t really all too impressed back then. But I was like.. let’s see what all the fuss is about. So maybe throughout the week I’ll make some time for that in the evening, although I’ve been enjoying reading my kindle every night, religiously, sooo… I might never even get to Harry Potter haha. I think I always preferred Lord of the Rings. And as a side note I really can’t wait for avatar to drop🥹

And here’s a few songs that i discovered literally yesterday:





I hope you all had a good weekend🖤🥹🌸 goodniiiiight 💤


Jackson Sinnenberg

Working weekens lately, but the continued news about the election results bolstered me. Very tire tonight after a couple 9-10 hour days and deciding what to order for dinner


https://youtu.be/YqjnbEZHFkU Here is a legitimate argument that Harry Potter the book series is allegorical to recruitment and initiation into British espionage networks (on a broader scale you could say recruitment and initiation into occultism/secret societies ingeneral) focused on children, specifically, and the spiritual implications of the novels themselves. It discusses the social engineering that was made possible through these books and films as well, and how an entire generation was essentially rewired by this work, as well as some of JK Rawlings connections and inspiration. Interesting watch for anyone who might be into it.


Just try to remember the news has a legitimate vested inteterest in an uninformed, confused, agitated, depressed, anxious, and gullible population. Try not to take any of it seriously.


Really sorry to keep being a drag lol I literally just watched this the other day that's all. I'm not saying people shouldn't enjoy things