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So I had this urge to paint some mini landscapes, after watching a painting tutorial by this amazing artist. And I realized that a, ive never painted a landscape in my life and b, it would give me ample opportunity to just draw without overthinking every mistake or wrong colour, value, shape etc... 

The first one I wanted to paint is this image of the white clifs of Dover, because I adore the UK in general, and how stunning is this place. I hope I get to see it in real life one day.


For the third one I asked my friend who is from PEI in Canada to send me some photos and she sent me soo many, but this one in particular I loved. The colour combinations and just the empty serenity of the photo is so peaceful. And those hay bales 😩 I love hay bales. She said this was taken close to PEI at an island called isles de la madeleine. It's unfortunate that although my whole life basically was spent in Canada, I didn't get to see enough of its beauty. I DID see Jasper and Banff, though, and it was beyond breathtaking.

Third is from a recent episode of one piece, because I constantly come across scenes that are so pretty. All 3 possibly look like a child painted them but know that all 3 of those days of painting were really tranquil.


Also, I got the location wrong in the england painting and had to fix it in photoshop 🤣 and I also forgot to write down the actual dates of when I painted them so I wrote down the first number that came to my head. Which is also evident in the fact that I don't know, and probably never will learn, how to write dates like this, the way they are written in the paintings. Anytime a date in that format is required of me in forms or documents it takes me a good 5 full minutes to figure it out hahahahaha. Sue me.

Anyway, I know they're not technical marvels but I hope you find something cozy in them, even if just a cozy feeling! 

Today the weather was incredible, so on my usual sunny walk I got some flowers to add some life to the apartment. Now, I'm about to have a very vinegary salad and.. something else. Haven't figured that part out yet 😂

Have a lovely remainder of your weekend, and watch out for the last video of this month! 

Night guys 🖤




Why do the hay bales remind me of egg tarts 🤣 Nice job over all. I'd say you captured the overall field of depth from Dover, I've seen them on a nature special and they were amazing 😍 Also, be careful taking stills of pictures from anime. There are too many with breathtaking background art that'd you be going down a rabbit hole


Hahahaha the dates 😂😂. This reminds me of the time when I was in college when I had to submit the theory records of practical classes. Due to an unexpected and inevitable procrastination of 2 semesters, I and my friend decided to write any random date of the records before the final submission that was due in 2 days. Although we did take a reference from other students and cleverly skipped all the off days but it was still so fun filling up random dates that came up the first thing in mind. We did it every year from the beginning till the last day of college 😂😂. These landscapes carry a breath of fresh air. "But know that all 3 of those days of painting were really tranquil"... That's how I feel as well looking at them 🤞 First I thought that you forgot to draw the people in the first painting 😅 but then I realised that it's not a mistake, it's a message


That’s so cool. I understand the feeling of not exploring your country, last week I finally got to see Niagara Falls, even though I have spent my entire life living in New York 😂. I’ve always wanted to go to Montreal, even tho that’s obviously in Canada, it’s actually a pretty quick road trip from where I live


Genuinely beautiful those 3 mini doodles "especially the first one" 💘👍🏻

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 01:01:08 Anything with the ocean is a win win, the first image reminds me of the White Cliffs of Dover, I have sat on top of that cliff 😂. Very talented, I love how the colours pop in your art work. A++ from me 😂 🥉 (P. S. I commented first before reading your description).
2022-10-30 02:19:12


These are really phenomenal Nymfy


egg-tarts 😂 maybe its an egg tart farm😂 it's so true about anime!! It's a never-ending rabbit hole. Now as I keep watching one piece i keep finding more scenes that are just jaw-droppingly gorgeous.


That's so funny 😂 it sounds like something i've definitely done at some point during both highschool and university😂 good thing you remembered to skip the off days and weekends, cause can you imagine 😂 forgetting to not include the off-days is something i would have done, unfortunately 😂😂 and AHAH forgetting to draw the people wasn't a mistake no 🤣 totally not 😂


Your comment had me googling niagara falls for no apparent reason and I don't know how to feel about the fact that I just discovered that there's an American side and a Canadian side 🤣 Mind is slightly blown. How was your trip? was it hectic/full of tourists? I've never been to Montreal but I always hear from friends that have lived there that it's beautiful, full of life and quite "European-y"!


Yeah i was just going to say well at least it looks like what it was meant to look like 😂 don't worry, i don't read anything prior either before taking action/talking. I skip instructions, descriptions, instruction manuals 😂😂😂


Thank you genuinely, Kieran!! I'm happy you appreciate them. 😌


Trip wasn’t bad, and there actually wasn’t as many tourists as I thought there would be! The Canadian side is supposed to be better but us Americans don’t like being told that tho 😂


If you want any other cool places to do there's plenty in Wales 😉😅


I think an uninformed initial reaction is more truthful 😉Instruction manuals tend to be the last resort for me 😂P.s. Happy Halloween.