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I just noticed that I have a split screen video of favourites + random things that I haven't uploaded here yet. Just me talking through some items that either my parents brought me or things I bought. Do you still want to see it in these days or do you not really care? 



Big fan of random ramblings 🙂


I mean...who's going to say no? 🤣


I specifically care about those type of videos🥹


Sounds like a smashing good time


Yes, please!!!


love your random talk


Definitely anticipating your next video, but I was just thinking about the conversation on profanity the other day and what I forgot to say was that my 2 favorite swears (in English anyway) are 2 words that I ironically do imagine you actually being offended by. I won't say them but yeah maybe part of what's appealing is the act of antagonizing and being dissident itself... idk I think if you're going to be dissident or antagonizing, you should do it well and with composure. But I do agree that the 2 words I'm thinking of specifically are very effective tools to that end. I'll stop now lol


wait well now I have to know what these 2 swear words are 🤣 There's almost nothing that could offend me swear-words wise, I don't think anyone has ever successfully offended me with swear swords so now im extra curious 🤣


Let's just say they're slurs lol. Which is why some people would argue they're unacceptable when words like fuck are okay. That's interesting in itself, right: drawing distinctions within profanity. That's why I think it hits way harder to have a dissident ideology and defend it well than to profane excessively or even casually but without reason. Distinctions between acceptable language are only downstream from distinctions between acceptable belief systems or paradigms, that's where the fight really is.