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Happy... tuesday? Are tuesdays happy?😂

Today I wanted to share two paintings instead of 1 with you guys. So about 3 years ago I made it a goal to improve at drawing faces, because that's always been my weak spot. I did a few anatomy lessons but it didn't click too much. But the main part of my goal was to draw as much as I could, so for 3 months I decided that I would paint one piece of art a day - that quickly became too much, so I dwindled it down to about 2 art pieces per week. I stuck with that for a literal 3 months, and I am genuinely the least consistent person ever, so for me to stick to something like that was pretty huge. I was so proud of myself, and I was having so much fun. I think another reason these are so special to me is because they remind me of when I lived with my grandma. We would have dinner together every single night and after we finished was when her Turkish soaps would come on, and I would eat fruit and paint while she watched her shows. I could fucking weep thinking back to those moments.

When I was at my grandmas house during the summer last month, I opened one of my cupboards in my room and found a giant stack of these, all in the same style, just elf portraits. You might have seen a few of them on my instagram before I archived everything. I wanted to share these with you because most times I look at my art and I think it looks like a sack of shit 😂 but this giant stack of elf portraits still makes me happy every time I look at them. I can share a few more if you guys are interested. Maybe I can share another one of these, as well as a painting that I'll start working on in the upcoming weeks. 

Moral(s) of the story: practice helps, cherish cozy moments, and do more of what you enjoy. I know these are extremely far from perfect but I guess it's more-so the memories attached to them that are solidified in my soul. If you have a hobby that you sort of left behind for whatever reason, give it another chance. Cut aside some time for it, and give yourself the chance to enjoy it again. Some of you guys write, others draw, garden, make music.. I really hope you're all still doing those things and haven't forgotten about them. Being creative allows you to learn a lot about yourself. I used to do so many things that I stopped doing over the years - play the guitar, rollerblade, paint constantly, and as the years when on I sort of just stopped. I guess this is a reminder to me as well, to make more time for the things I enjoy. I always tell you guys to make time for what you enjoy but... hard to follow one's own advice HUH🤣

If you're interested in some new videos, I have been watching his channel for about a year now. I watched this video the other day and haven't been able to stop thinking about this topic. His other videos are fantastic as well. Highly highly reccomend.

💙 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=km2Kdd8Nwdg&list=PLqSC8iDCkXiSjWqUyGTbrV9OZiRC8yoIM&index=57 




Are we still getting a vid tomorrow?


I love it!😊 Thank you


of course! I was contemplating posting it tonight but thought it might be annoying to post two things in one day hahaha tomorroww! I'll post it earlier in the day


This post and the drawings were worth staying up for!! 🙏 Yes! Definitely share more!


Sweet thank you 😊 I'm actually spending time with my grandma right now so I'm definitely cherishing the small moments


Fantastic as always.


Just realized the first pic reminds me of a comic called "Sweet Tooth" seen here https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/A1a39a9VPqL.jpg


Both paintings are so precious ✨💘


You're art style has always been really fascinating, should never doubt your ability Nymfy 😊




you say happy tuesday but that first drawing looks like Wednesday from the Adams family lol I used to write and record a lot of music, but life has been so busy these days I haven't in so long. sometimes I feel like I've lost the creativity for it, Adulting has not been kind to me lol


I have noticed one thing that over the time, reading about your love for art and music has made me look more into myself and seek again what my heart craved when I was a kid. It has kinda like switched on that search for creativity button. Seriously, I used to write start-up ideas, I had so many diaries full of them😂 and draw cartoons everyday in sketch books, I had this strong passion about learning to play saxophone. But all disappeared years ago. I love that you share your art and creativity with us, Your art is so beautiful, it makes me happy. Like the guy in video said, a little bit of change in what you are consuming can bring a huge shift in your life. I love consuming your creativity 🙏. Ps this dude has really satisfying voice😅 Ps2 The girl in the 2nd painting, her eyes kinda remind me of Nairobi from money heist 😂


Grandmas are the best. No one better and nothing better than spending time w your grandparents!


Woooah haha! That's such a bizarre and interesting title and imagery combination, makes you want to read it to find out where the story heads


Aaa thank you Isaac!! Thank you, I appreciate it a lot


I know what you mean about losing the creativity for it. After a while of adulting your brain just sort of stops functioning the way it used to haha. But it's like training a muscle anyway, if you get back into it, bit by bit, it would get better and your creative brain would slowly flourish again. Also that's so true haahha I've always loved the visual behind Wednesday Adams hahah


for a moment, like a split second, when I opened that link I thought of salad fingers hahahahah do you remember it


Who wouldn't remember our good ol friend salad fingers 🤣


I'm really happy that it affected you in that way because truly what is life without being able to enjoy it... What you said reminded me of this one video from Infinite Waters, where he spoke about finding your purpose. He said if you need help discovering your purpose, go back to what you did as a kid, if you can't remember, ask your family, because there's most likely a connection. What was your natural instinct in day-to-day? To use spoons on pots as drums hahaha or mix gross concoctions from whatever there is in the fridge? It's interesting food for thought Ps 100%, his colour grading and overall video quality is stunning Ps2 the fact that you made that connection 🤣 true though, she has the same upward-slant to her eyes, and eyelid space


🤣🤣🤣 who's brain birthed that I don't know hahaha a subtle genius

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2022-10-17 21:57:11 The great thing about forgetting things you have done is getting the opportunity to revisit them with fresh perspective later on.
2022-09-15 00:30:35