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And I found my old thumbnails with my old set up 😭 the 50mm lens I was using was CRAZY. But it only looks that good because of the huge windows at my grandma’s house, where I live now I only have stupid ceiling windows 🤣 and it’s impossible to replicate this with just studio lights. The huge windows also had these sheer curtains on top which basically acted like a giant giant softbox. It was a dream.

I was watching this photography/videography video once and the guy was talking about how lighting is everything - that you can have a mediocre camera and incredible lighting, and your camera will do the impossible. But if you have shitty lighting and a fantastic camera, the camera won’t save you. I mean the lighting is fine right now, but it’s definitely not what I had before. That frustrates me sometimes. I hope in due time we can move and I can have some normal ass windows 😂 bechase these skylights are breaking my balls.

The photos with the yeti were from the first asmr video I EVER DID EVER 🥹 and look how I duplicated my hands 😂 I had set up my little nightstand table with some crystals and my microphone and I decided to give ASMR a shot, and it all took off slowly after that. I was so happy that I finally felt like I found something that I was somewhat good at but also something that helped both me and whoever was watching.

I love rummaging through old photos.

What did you guys end up doing this weekend? I went to the spa. I’m usually like… I just don’t get spas honestly 😂 what even are they. I can never relax in them. But the outdoor pool was a nice alternative to the sea, since we didn’t go to any natural body of water this august 😂 but I do prefer natural bodies of water. Not a big pool person. MINERAL water pools are a different story though. Those are fantastic.

🖤 cheersing you with this glass of white wine I am (almost) about to consume




What a journey You're having😁 Glad I found You on YT and can relax to Your ASMR videos 😁 Cheers to You and to many more years of Your content 🥂


Maaan that old house the lights back then was crazy very pretty i miss that set up so much it is Frustrating to see how it was and what it became so please move again 😂😂. But there’s no dud that there was an improvement. Until now i frequently i go to these old vids and never get sick of them. About my weekend i traveled back from another city i was there for placement exam i had dinner with some friends and I watched show i was waiting for that’s it Hopefully that bottle didn’t drive you crazy


I don't know jackshit about photography, but I do know lighting is everything and sky lights are definitely not going to help 🤣 Also I hate spas with a passion. Not just because I'm a dude, but because I just feel they're a waste of money. Tell me ONE good thing about spas that you can't do at a gym? See?


These are some very favorites of mine https://youtu.be/DR8OlKzrQrc https://youtu.be/qSQsl82tdes https://youtu.be/QBBYYLrXlIM https://youtu.be/848nIiN1oVw https://youtu.be/DpAa2GW6GiE https://youtu.be/sTOTtr7NwIM https://youtu.be/OQCMnpwck7w https://youtu.be/gfSZ_TPCF7Y https://youtu.be/tK8_H6OC0jU https://youtu.be/EtYYQ5H62cc And many to go 😂😂basically the whole channel


the fire pictures look so great, i love it <333


yes lighting is everything, imran khan


The monkey and unicorn stuff animal you have is adorable Nymfy.


The picture of the plants is weirdly relaxing to me, might be the soft lighting lol

Lee B

Wow seeing these old pics brings back some nice memories! 😁 I can still remember when you were a small channel. Look how much it's grown now! 🎉💪🏼🙌🏼


wow that lightning really makes the photos look awesome, idk anything about it hahah but like the focus to stand out you or the objects really look amazing specially! Last weekend I just stayed at home 😄 I almost finished the leftovers from HBO series


I’m sorry the lighting broke your balls. I hope they get better ☺️


it's true 🤣 i guess you're mainly paying for the ambience, especially if it's well-landscaped.


Oh these are oolldd hahah so cozy that you still go back to those


It's really crazy! Thanks Lee. At that point I think it was around 15 thousand subs :O


Yeah that lens in particular creates a blurry background, it gives a really beautiful portrait effect, with the bokeh in the background