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You can see a super faint double line so I guess it’s basically negative. But I’ll wait out the weekend just to come full circle haha.

I feel back to normal finally, I just have a faint cough but coughs always take a while to completely clear up. I’m just grateful that I didn’t lose my sense of smell or taste 💗

How are you guys? Do you have plans for the weekend??




Get negative soon Nymfy 🙏 Glad to know that you are doing better. Umm, I don't think I have anything special to do this weekend 😅.


Hey, glad You feel better 💜 Good decision better wait few days more 😁 Nahjust some gardering and walk with family or something like that 😉


Glad to hear you are doing better👏


"I didn't hear no bell!" --Nymfy 😁 Was going to celebrate a friend's bday but I had other commitments so that blows. That's life for you though.

Joseph Flores

Wow a whole 23-19 still


Sending “negative” energy your way 😉


Btw when I saw this picture for a second I thought this was a different type of test 😂


Gargle warm salt water! Glad you’re on the mend! Positive thinking! And don’t forget the power of laughter, a toot is always a hoot!


My weekend plan is to sleep all day, saturday and sunday. Next weekend will be a busy one. Good that you recovered. Hope you won't have long covid like me.


Why’d I think that was a pregnancy test😭


I'm jealous of anyone who gets to garden. Gardening and a walk sounds amazing, I hope you're having a relaxing and pleasant weekend so far!


It's nice to also just do absolutely nothing😅It's great actually


I'm sure they'll understand that you had to prioritize something else! I'm happy that all of my friends understood me when I was at peak social anxiety many years ago, and ended up not attending way too many birthdays. You can make it up to your friend in some way!


😂 thank you very much! The second line is officially gone. Negativity has been unlocked and achieved. hahahah your energy sending worked!


😂 Ahahahahahah this reminds me of a video/tiktok of a girl that gave her bf a positive pregnancy test and he opens the box and is like "babe why would you come here.... you know i have to see my grandma tomorrow and I have a bunch of family stuff to do, why would you do this" .... she was like "take a good look at the test please😂 "


Yeah! Also breathing in boiling water with baking soda works as well apparently. I've been drinking lots of flax water/tea.


Nooo, I'm so sorry to hear that.. I was worried about that honestly. I was worried especially about losing hair, as so many of my friends experienced that post-covid but knock on wood, so far so good. I hope you're enjoying your weekend so far!