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I’ve had 38 fever for a few days. Then 38.6, but now it’s been a steady 38. I sort of feel like a garbage pile 😂😂 the body aches are stuuuupid. Also skin pain, but Ive always gotten that when I’ve had the flu throughout my life. That’s pretty much it for now, I’ve definitely had worse so I’m grateful for this, but it’s still not fun. I’m so tired all the time, and just want to sleep 🥴 and cease to exist 😂

Just a gnarly update 💗🤣 I hope you’re all safe and keeping yourselves healthy!! Remember when they were saying that summers will be lower numbers of infection usually because the virus can’t survive in high temps/can’t multiply as fast. Well that went out the window 🫠🤣

I’m drinking tons of lemons, and lots of water and forcing myself to eat as much as I can! I also made this super snotty concoction today -

So my grandpa was an herbal pharmacist, how cool… and when I was little whenever someone in the family was sick he made us a goopy flax seed mixture. You just boil water, pop in some flax seeds and then add honey (I do maple syrup since I’m allergic to honey, and you can also add lemon) and it’s extremely snotty and viscous but it’s super lubricating for a soar throat and it helps you expel mucus 😅😂🤣 to prevent a dry cough from getting worse

I also went to get tested so I can get the green pass once I’m negative and the testing guy made my nose bleed so much. I told him I get nosebleeds and he’s like 👨🏻‍🔬🤷 and shoved the q-tip thing around anyway 🤦🏻‍♀️ how joyful lol

Keep yourselves safe! I’ll keep you all updated. 💕with less graphic descriptions 😅



Damn I hope you feel better soon! I got covid a couple times and it was hell both times lol I also have a sensitive nose and got a nose bleed from my test 🙄 get lots of rest!


Get will soon darling. Take care and go easy on yourself and please stop feeling like garbage 😂. Relax take the time you need and bring our nymfy back please 💋


Hope you are feeling better, Vitamin D and C and Zinc will help. Whenever I get the flu I make a home made flu bomb it works every time 😂

Andrew Hopkins

Take care of yourself, the Rona is rough. I hope you can rest well! ☺️


How is your family, are they okay? Nymfy, do not feel pressure of any kind. Take a deep rest and if you are feeling low, watch S3E11 of FRIENDS, it will definitely boost your mood.


Noo you had it twice 🤮 but honestly it depends on who’s swabbing!! Because some of the swabbers (lol) are so gentle and barely put the testing stick inside your nose, because it’s not even necessary to go so deep that they pierce through your brain folds. I feel like some swabbers have some sort of evil vendetta hahaha


Thank you Balsa! I am trying my best to take care of myself and get better asap!!


The Rona is a little bitch 🫠🤣😖 thank you Andrew!


Oo I have a lot of flu bombs too. I take all of those vitamins separately, but how do you make a flu bomb out of them? Do you get the dissolvable ones and combine them all?


Yeah my family is totally fine! My mom already had covid and didn’t manage to give it to my dad but that’s mainly because she’s an absolute clean freak so she was super obsessive about keeping everything clean and sanitized. A lot of my friends are sick though.. it’s a covid explosion this summer huh 🥴 Omg I have to… now I’m curious I have to uncover which episode this is 😂😭


I take the vitamins seperate also 😂 My flu bomb is similar to my breaking fast drink. Flu bomb is black tea, honey, lemon, garlic, cinnamon,cayenne pepper, ginger. It tastes terrible 😂 though that's usually a sign it works 😂 Also a trick I learned was boiling water in a bowl with mixed herbs and put a towel over my head breath it in. It really clears the pipes 😂


I would try to say something comforting but I haven't caught it so I have no clue what to say 😔


i hope you get well soon i need more spit painting videos and lens licking


Get well soon!


How are you feeling! If you need to laugh just think of farts maybe?


Better for you! Do your best to keep yourself safe!! Definitely don’t catch it hahah


I’m feeling better and hahahaahahhaahaha farts help 26% 😂


LOLZ!!! FARTS! That is very exact 😂