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Apparently I’m an absolute moron and skipped over/missed a few questions from the previous Q&A post! I genuinely don’t know how that happened but welcome to my brain 😂

How does a part 2 sound?

🎉I’ve noted the missed questions already - let me know if you have any other questions! You can ask anything!

I thought it might be fun to do some themed questions relating to my teenager days (I was a nightmare haha) or I could just tell you guys some mini storytimes, that could be fun too.

Want to do it or nah?

Just like last time, you can DM me if you’re too shy to post it here!



Do you like to workout? Or watch or play any sports?


Music related question here. Awhile back you said you were into Boiler Room. I'm a huge fan of techno and the underground techno scene in Montréal, my hometown, is huge. Do you still follow certain artists/producers? If so, who? Thanks ✌️ 😊


Do you ever get recognized on the street?


I was just listening to your "Asking you super personal questions" videos again cuz I love them, and some of those questions would be super funny to have you answer: - If aliens offered to procreate with you, would you do it? Okay, what would you want those babies to look like? - Do you believe deja vu is coincidence or a glitch in the Matrix? - What is your top love language? - What is something you don't like talking about? - How many times per week do you believe couples should be having sex? - What is your proudest accomplishment? - What are three qualities you value most in someone? - Are you a giver or receiver? - Have you ever told a lie and if so, did you get away with it? What was the lie? - Which fictional character's life would you most like to live? - What's your favorite song in the whole world? - What's a personality trait or quirk you find sexy in people? - What is your favorite part of the human body? - What do you wear when you want to feel good? - A genie gives you three love life wishes. What do you wish for? - If you could tell your partner only one thing you need or prefer in the bedroom, what would it be? - What's something you were afraid of trying, but once you tried it you loved it? - What's your guiltiest pleasure? - How would your friends describe you?


How do you feel about your relationship to your patrons? Do you just see us as actual people or just your sugar daddy's/mommys? I don't mean to sound like an asshole, I've just noticed that your patron numbers are getting higher and have noticed we seem to be tiring you out. Please answer as honestly as possible. We can take a little punishment if we are.


Man that's a good question. Got me thinking about things now. I would feel bad if it's true though imo.


Would you consider doing a body tracing asmr but also like trying on different clothes too and see if any of your clothes have a unique sound?


-In one of your videos you said that you were an "evil" as kid and that you would make a mixture of the things in the kitchen and serve it to people in the house🤣. What are the other Evil Pranks that you pulled as a kid -What is the Nastiest thing you have come across on the internet. Mine is "2 girls one cup"🤮🤢 -What's your favourite kind of traditional attire from the cultures around the world that you would like to wear.


Im just here to remind you to have a life improving Disaronno Once in a while. :)


LMFAO "2 girls one cup" 😆😂


Yes definitely


Surely people cannot ask "anything". When people say "ask me anything" I automatically want to go to every topic from deep personal thoughts to sexuality. People never mean "anything" ;(