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I'm thinking of doing a Q&A just for Patreon, do you have any questions for me? Or a topic you'd like me to talk about/update you on? If you're too shy to write it here just shoot me a message privately! I’m opening this post up to everyone so we can get enough questions! and I think it’ll be fun!

*Enjoy the bts shitshow that is filming - a slow progression of mess and chaos 😂




Do you ever worry that ASMR videos will stop being relevant in the near future due to a saturated market of untalented, uninspired creators out for a quick buck, forcing you to pivot into a different career?


Has any creator (ASMRtist/non ASMRtist) ever contacted you? What are your thoughts on collaboration with other artists? I remember you said you wanna write a book, it would be awesome if we got to know more about that.


I love hearing great stories about your life that help us get to know you better. So my questions are: what was your worst first date? What was your coolest club/rave experience?


What software do you use for editing? Much love you're doing great :)


I've been reading about myths and legends lately, do you have any particular favourite mythologies from around the world?


Can you touch your nose with your tongue?? ^_^


Call me crazy but I have some more questions, I hope I am not too late. Nymfy, been loving your hairstyles so much but Do you miss your long hair or bangs? What was the last Movie you watched in cinema? Are you looking forward to watching avatar 2 😅 What was the first ASMR video you ever watched? Do you remember the first time you had a meridian response? Do you Daydream? What do your daydreaming scenarios look like? Nymfy, Imagine if someone really really close to you asked for your help to be the surrogate mother of their child, What would be your take on this? I remember that in your last vlog you mentioned that you practice shibari. I was wondering if you could talk something about it like how did you come across it, how did you start, what does it take and if someone wants to learn it how can they begin? Ps Nymfy, You don't have to answer anything if you don't feel like🙏 I just thought it would be fun to add a bit "compelling" questions Besides I hope none of these questions are like crossing a line because I don't wanna sound wrong or offensive 😕and also more the questions means longer the video😁


Have You thought about stream Your ASMR to some platforms like spotify or something like that ? Don't get me wrong You're beautiful woman and it's great to see Your face in the videos but sometimes I just want to close my eyes and listen to Your ASMR :D


Which vid did she mention shibari lol I must have missed that


Your videos have such a lovely sensuality to them in the care you put into the concepts, the way you shoot and their overall vibe. What type of videos/creators do *you* find sensuous?


What are your favourite types of videos to make? What country do you live in? Also I'm not sure if you've gone into it before but you could talk about how you do the lighting in your videos because it's always fab