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I know I say that every time but I mean it haha. Can you tell I was in a particularly dandy mood when i made this? I've been killing it in the fruit and vegetable department recently since massively cutting down on my sugar intake! 😂 I think the nigiri is in there because I haven't had sushi in so long and a portion of my soul feels like it's missing, which is ironic since I used to really not like sushi. And now I'm slightly obsessed. A lesson to try everything at least once, THEN decide whether or not you like it.

The eye. Man, the eye. I can't make a drawing without putting an eye in there. The reason I turned it into a sun is because I used to live in a place where it rained constantly, which sooner or later gets to you. Now that I live in a place that gets plenty of sunshine, I'm super happy about it don't get me wrong, but I relish the days when it rains because it feels so cozy and special.

Such deep, mind-warping philosophies I know haha.

Looking at the rainbow just now made me realize that I've been wanting to get one of those little glass rainbow makers for so long. Should get on that.

Anyway, chaotic storytime: over.

I hope you like it!!! 💜

But also tell me, what's your fav food from your culture? I'm genuinely curious. If you haven't watched Beryl Shereshewsky's channel, you need to!
Mine is: Banica/баница from Bulgaria.




Welsh cakes defo my favourite part of my culture 😅 one of the highlights of your patreon is seeing your art


I love Wales and have always wanted to see it - Welsh cakes look like little butter biscuit pancakes hahah they look so good. And thank you! That makes me infinitely happy because it's one of my favourite parts too, getting to draw on Patreon

Dro Phoenix

Fucking fire 🔥🔥🔥 love it


I literally yearn for your art. When we say this is our favourite video of you everytime we mean it tooo😅. The art and this beautiful chaotic story time is how ideally a month should end. Seeing all these colours and reading your thoughts and feelings is my 'joy spotting' activity. About fav food, it's a little tough one because there's not a lot but still I will have hard time deciding. The recent fav, Just today I had 'dal ke parathe'(flat unleavened bread made of cooked pulses). Usually it's eaten with curd. I had like 8 of those😂🤤. It's one of my most favourite breakfast meals other than Aalloo ke parathe' (Aalloo= potato)


I remember watching "indian wedding" video of Beryl Shereshwesky last time you shared her channel!! It was a fun video.


Do you fw psychedelics at all? *zero judgment jw✌🏾


I’m half Thai and my grandma makes the best Panang curry it’s to die for. I’ve tried making it myself but it wasn’t the same as my grandmas 😕


I think she said she used to but that was a long time ago


That video of hers was so interesting! In general it's just insane how much work goes into her content. Her channel is addictive


I googled them, dal ke parathe looks super good, and for the aalloo ke parathe, anything with potato I can get behind. I used to eat so many pakoras and simosas, those are my favourite, BUT I do believe pakoras are made with... you know what.... (c...cc......cill...cilan...tro...)


Yeah when I was a teenager! Had many good times haha. It's always been a dream to try ayahuasca, i've read countless books about it, but in all honesty I don't know if I'll ever get to it. I've become too anxious of a person lol. Any mind-altering substance gives me anxiety now so since being 20 (im 28 now) I haven't had anything other than a glass of wine or a cocktail here and there.


That looks crazy good!! I know, nothing is the same as gramma's :( Anytime I try to make something she used to make, it never ends up as good as hers


I absolutely feel that. Also I really appreciate you taking the time to actually reply superstar lmao. But I’m not hip to ayahuasca but I’m gonna do my googles fs. Ive recently gotten into psilocybin even tho I am the lord of anxiety and it’s really been expanding. Also random but I’ve heard you discuss “sleep paralysis” and as a person who not only experiences it but is usually on edge during it, I wondered if you have any go to methods during those times? Or are we really just along for the ride ? Lol


Can't believe you have eaten pakora and samosa🤤. No kidding Nymfy not only pakora but you wouldn't find a dish here without cilantro 😭😭 . People love stink bugs in their food here. Pakora , smaosa , parathe, snacks, eggs breakfast lunch dinner, everything is cilantro laden😫. Sometimes they eat food so they can eat cilantro lol. I hate it so much. I always have to specify "no stink bugs in my food pls" and they look at me like if I am sick or something. In their defence, they say it adds flavour 🤣 yeah the flavour of shi😭 . Anyways Nymfy try some stink bug free pakoras with sauces(I recommend ketchup) and milk tea someday I hope that you will like it. There are literally a thousands of varieties of pakora. Aalloo pakora and bread pakoda(without stuffing or very light stuffing) are my favourite.


FWIW Nymfy, psilocybin therapy apparently is really good for anxiety and chronic anxiety. But I totally understand why anxiety + recreational drugs would probably be a no-go. I loved LSD and now only do it in super small doses b/c of the anxiety it causes, and I'm not even an anxious person!

Zoltan Chivay

I still have your previous eye image as my lock screen😂 keep up these drawings though❤️


I knew it sounded familiar but it took me a minute to figure it out... We call that 'гибаница'. Everyone always says their grandma makes the best one. I love Sarma, i think you guys have that too.


It's so beautiful in all its maximum expression 10/10 💘