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🔵How are you feeling?
🔵What have you been up to lately?
🔵What does your day look like?
🔵Are you eating well?

Here's a tiny life update from my side of the world:

I actually got back from Bulgaria a day ago, and met 2 subscribers there which was the craziest experience ever! It was surreal. And in Bulgaria out of all places - it made me laugh. I guess because it's such a small country.

Since getting back home I've been trying to organize my home, clean (lots) and I'm still working on transferring work over to my colleagues and training them in some little things here and there. Partially shitting myself over being full time Internet soon but it's a good shit-self 😂 I'm super excited to make more content that I'm excited about, and not just filming on autopilot cause I'm so tired from doing other things.

I also have made a rough meal plan as I wasn't eating very well in the last half year. I realized I wasn't eating enough greens or protein at all. Mainly just carbs in the form of... potatoes, rice and beans... all accompanied by way too much chocolate and not enough water.

I also want to hang some paintings up in my house that are still sort of lying around without a home on the wall. I just have lots of fun and therapeutic things to get done that I never had the time to do before. I bought some big canvases too, to paint on and hang up.

LOVE YOU SO MUCH. You are all the reason for these... life developments😂. Thank you for being really cool. I've never been successful at sounding sincere, but do know that you are infinitely appreciated.

Love, NYMF



Always good to hear how you're doing Nymfy 😊


Second week of work after vacation so back on the treadmill until next summer I guess 💀


But did you tell grandma that here we are rooting for her Asmr channel?


These are overwhelming questions I don't have the energy to answer rn, but I super duper appreciate your asking! I'm glad to see you went to Bulgaria recently; you seem to have been dealing with isolation and loneliness and family deprivation wherever you live and I love that you had the opportunity to visit your homeland. Congratulations on 100k on YouTube, gorgeous! I've only been a fan for like 8 months and I don't think you recognize me when i comment on your vids over there (damascus21) but I'm glad I've been a part of the ride regardless. Love you too --Valando


Thank you for what you do nymfy


i'm feeling pretty good tbh. I finally finished off buying a house, though I haven't had much time to sort it out due to work. Life is looking up, and I'm finally feeling like i've accomplished something


It’s been a hard few months my father died unexpectedly in June. It has kinda sapped a good deal of motivation from me. I am just pushing ahead and trying to keep my goals in sight during this down time. I am training for Ironman Lake Placid next year and running in my first marathon next month so I better get my motivation in track. I definitely haven’t been eating well though I am trying I have lots of work to do before next July.


You’ll get into the swing of things soon enough. The first week is always the roughest😖


I did!! She was so happy. I wish I lived close by still so i could make her a channel


Now I’ll know whenever I see you over there!!! 🎉🖤 thank you Valando! Yeah going home was really great. Was just a good break overall mentally, physically and emotionally. Hope you’re doing good too V! Thank you again.


That’s so exciting!!! A home that’s entirely your own. I hope you get some time to really immerse yourself into this new phase of your life, sort your things out and get settled🎉


Being physically active and eating well are probably the best things you can do for yourself. I’m so sorry you lost your dad. Going through something like that takes a lot out of your soul. I hope you slowly are able to get re-motivated and back into a peaceful and happy state. Аnd good luck with the marathon!!