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This is such a random co-minglement of content all in one video... you'll see what I mean 😂We have a lil talk, I give you advice, talk you up and give you lots of kisses. You guys seem to like these up close personal attention videos so I might start doing more of them🖤

Tell meeeee in the comments...

1. Do you like to sleep in the light or the dark? (I can only sleep well with open blinds)
2. Do you like to sleep in dead silence or have some noise in the background? Earplugs?
3. Soft pillow or hard pillow? Or memory foam...or down.... or no pillow 😯
4. Bed or floor (actually some of my comfiest naps have been on a hardwood floor😂)
5. Do you fall asleep best on an empty stomach or after having had some pre-bed snackz?

ALSO what are your weird sleep-related pet peeves or just odd habits?

🔵I have this weird cringe thing with bed and couch hygiene and unless I change my bed sheets every 4 days I literally won't be able to fall asleep. So my laundry machine definitely hates me.
🔵I also need lotion or I can't touch fabric with my skin, it's worse than that nails on a chalkboard feeling for me.
🔵Can't fall asleep in silent spaces (forget about falling asleep in a mountain/quiet villa environment - this is where asmr comes in haha)
🔵Eating in bed for is a BIG BIG nono. If I feel a crumb, sheets will need to be changed.
🔵I only get under the covers at night. During the day, even if Im wearing a clean shirt and sweatpants there is no way in hell i'm getting under the covers. If I need to take a nap I'll use a separate designated blanket 😂
🔵If my feet touch the floor I get cringey and feel gross, like if I've gotten in bed already but forgot to grab something, I need to use slippers. I must use slippers. Must 😂 If something like a crumb or particle gets on my foot then in bed... 🤢
🔵I'm a night showerer, Must get into clean sheets with clean body 😂I can't fall asleep unless i've showered and the day is OFF of me 😂

So that made me sound fucking deranged 😂😂😂I'm sure your list would be smaller. I'm considering posting these questions as a video or also even as an insta post, I think peoples' answers would be hilarious. 


ASMR Giving You Kisses 💋 Talking You Up 💕 Up Close Personal Attention ✨(Whispered)

If you like this video give it a like, subscribe, and tell me what else you want to see from me! Nymfy x ___________________ BUSINESS INQUIRIES ✖︎ nymfyofficial@gmail.com SOCIALS ✖︎ Instagram ✖︎ https://www.instagram.com/nymfyofficial/ ✖︎ YouTube ✖︎ https://www.youtube.com/c/NymfyOfficial/ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL ✖︎ Patreon ✖︎ https://www.patreon.com/nymfyofficial ___________________ MY VIDEOS ⚡️My Latest Upload: ⚡️My Very FIRST ASMR Video: https://youtu.be/naad2whZ3Fk ⚡️Everything You Want to Know About Me: https://youtu.be/mRCihcIJQsg



1. I sleep best in light


2. I sleep best with background noise 3. Don't matter what pillow as long as it's cold 4. I like to sleep on the floor but my family gets pissy when I do that so I don't anymore 5. I need to eat before I sleep


1. Dark in the night but when the sunrise the sun shine comes in and that’s totally okay with my but I prefer dark 2. A little noise & you 3. I usually use a small pillow 4. Bed of course 5. Empty stomach is fine I like your little Design of the back and whatever shows in the screen Stay strong 💪

Almond Glazed Sunrise

1 & 2. I sleep with the TV on. I can't sleep in complete silence. 😯 3. Soft pillows. One for my head, one to cuddle, one between my legs. I'm a weird, restless sleeper. 4. MUCH prefer bed but can sleep on any surface. 5. I can fall asleep during a parade, regardless of what's in or not in my stomach. 😂


Wow all of your preferences are like mine 😂 that’s so funny on the eating. I know everyone says it’s bad but💀😂


Waking up to sunshine is so nice. I don’t like pitch black rooms at night, is it just me or does it make you dizzy too?? And super disoriented


It’s so nice when the sunshine comes in 😭🖤 and thank you very much!!!


Wow lucky you that you can sleep with and through anything🥺😂 can relate to the tv, I don’t have a tv in the bedroom but if I did you’d best believe it’d be on all night 😂 oh my god the pillow between the legs is SO comfortable. I think a lot of chiropractors recommend it too


1. Can sleep in the dark but not completely pitch black 2. asmr or white noise, fans all night remind me of my childhood and complete silence drives me nuts 3. soft pillows I guess 4. Has to be a bed, sleeping on the floor reminds me of the bad times. 5. Absolutely no way in hell I'll fall asleep on an empty stomach. Doesn't matter how tired and stoned I am lol weirdest bed habits.. I have this really bad habit of clenching my jaw. its only when I go to bed. I actually have to focus to not do that.


1. DARK, I have to be stupidly tired to fall asleep with the lights on 2. unless I'm exhausted, I need either some soothing music or asmr to listen to, otherwise my thoughts will keep me awake. 3. I love soft pillows 4. Bed, couches are cool too, I can only do floors if I have a sleeping bag 5. Can't, gotta have a late night snack. (developing a gut tho cause of this 😅😅)


1. D A R K 2. lately I notice that I always need some kind of trigger sound so that my brain can focus on it and calm down from the flow of thoughts 3. my body sometimes likes a little hard surface 4. sometimes floor xd 5. нет разницы, но я стараюсь не нагружать свой организм перед сном (a little rus training 4 u <3, still waiting for the next russian whispers)


It’s rare but if I fall asleep with socks on I wake up feeling angry and cheated.


I just saw this Steven! Having a fan running all night is incredibly soothing, or a little heater at least right before you fall asleep during the winter. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one driven crazy by silence at night, and an empty stomach 😂 My god I don't know how people do it, truly. And do you grind your teeth at night? Do you think it's connected? I wake up clenching my jaw sometimes and it's usually because I'm grinding my teeth so hard that it wakes me up


You can do late-night fruit, I've been trying to do that lately instead of the biscuits and chocolate 😭 But I dip in peanut butter or runny Arabic tahini, and then it's better hahahah.


Agreed. Some time of sound as you fall asleep is great to push aside the flow of thoughts. I am brainstorming some language videos! Hopefully soon I can film 😍


But the question is, why would you willingly enter the bed and below-blanket area with socks in the first place...🧐😂 If it's a daytime nap under a blanket you are forgiven 😂


“The below-blanket area” 😆 why does that sound funny to me? Also, I remembered... Sheets need to be tucked in at the foot of the bed. Blankets should not be. BUT they all need to be evenly placed so that each reaches up past my shoulders but not any further than my nose. 2 pillows minimum. I need one to hold. I guess I’m pretty particular lol.

Rogan Chapman

my pillow must be wafer thin to support my atrocious posture