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This was taken on my parents' film camera that they got as a present at their wedding in '93. It was my favourite camera ever, and I, unfortunately, dropped it and it broke. Regardless, I'm happy I got to use it. I love this photo so much because it was taken in my favourite place in the world - my grandma's house, also the house I grew up in. She took it of me. It was way before covid and all of what's happening right now. I remember I was really calm during this particular period of my life, it was a chunk of time where I wasn't particularly anxious about anything. I think those of you who don't live where you grew up or have a person or place that you're extremely attached to will understand this nostalgic feeling really well. In this apartment, my favourite memory growing up was waking up to random sounds of her cooking or making breakfast, and the sunlight casting a golden glow throughout the entire apartment - every room. And it looked extra warm and glowy because our hardwood floors are a warm, golden brown. I especially loved falling asleep to the sound of her reading the newspaper in the afternoon. Anyway, just a random pop-in. Hi. Be calm and kiss your grandparents if you still have them and tell them you love them every day. If not, know that they're with you always no matter what.

Gnight guys 💤




I love it i love i miss my grandpa pa and my grandma. I know they are with me. They taught me how to read and gave me my first book. A bible. A bible real one with stick figures of jesus in the book. Classic.


You my fav


You should post one of the videos you filmed of your grandma doing sudoku!


hope you always feel calm


That sounds so cozy, you have to cherish it forever! Grandparents and their little gifts, are so special.


When you’re coming back on YouTube


We miss you