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If you guys signed up for this tier, wow, and holy shit thank YOU <3 I draw so much random stuff, and don't really have a particular style but we can do what you guys want. For example, every month, I will send you guys a drawing either of your choice, or you can give me freedom to draw what I want for you. It'll be a lil doodle with a handwritten note!

I might draw in watercolour, pencil crayons, sharpie, acrylic - it could be anything really! Maybe I could even do a portrait of you lmao I did this super funny one of a friend a while back (the one that's on a canvas)

I'll obviously send them to you guys in digital format that's nicely done, not badly-lit photos like this! These are just examples.




These are really good! I love your style. I could use a drawing of myself 😏 hahah


These are rad!


These drawings are really cool, I like every single one of them. Without a doubt my favorites are the first and fourth... Love your style 🙂💙


i like your style :)


Thank you very much, just lil doodles! Helps me get better at drawing anatomy. By the first one, you mean the green one? or that funny long neck painting hahahaha


Send me.a photo and you've got yourself a mini portrait ahahhaha but I'm no Van Gogh as you can see 😂


If you collected originals, goddamn 😂Dali's work is beautiful. Oh if you're learning graphic design you're probably also into typefaces/typography!? I used to love learning about them


I adore these, so sick


These are really cool. Unique style to them. Colors are vibrant. They look great. :)