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TL;DR: Patreon will reopen on April 1st and Lemon's finished game will not be posted before publication.


Only 9 days in, and 2024 is hitting hard. The company I work for announced yesterday that everyone will be laid off as of March 8. 😓

While I will actively keep applying for a new job, Patreon will be my main source of income so I plan on reopening on April 1st that way I have time to create some content ahead of time and finish Lemons.

Regarding Lemons. Because of the leaks, I'm not going to post the finished game here (sorry guys). Once I'm done with it, I will submit it to Hosted Games, and hopefully, they have a chance to fit me in for this year's publication.

Lemon ending doesn't mean you won't have Lemon content. I will still write Lemon side stories for the characters and you'll have them. In addition to that, I will continue with The Wedding, and other new stories that I'm sure you'll love. 💕



I'm very sorry to hear about your job C.C.☹️ I hope you get a new more amazing job soon!💪🤞 I will gladly help support through patron and I can't wait to read the finished product of lemons, the wedding and other great stories you will create! Good luck with the job search C.C! 💪💪💪

Alex Roberts

Sorry to hear that 2024 isn’t starting out too great for you. It’s understandable not to put any more Lemon updates on here, and thank you for still providing some Lemon short stories. That will help with the Lemon withdraw lol


I'm so sorry about your job and the leaks. I hope the rest of the year takes a more positive turn.