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So next update is going to be released around 15th of May.

Here are a few previews of next update's content. 

Picture 2 - Guards of Pri's main course in the library

Picture 3 - Merida the pred you can find in the hotel

Picture 4 - Pri after some boy had his fun with her

I got distracted from the librarian quest and ended up making more content so there's going to be:

Madeline's new scene (the pred in the hotel that couldn't be prey until well next update).

A mom that sells her daughter to you because she really needs money.

On her mission to be a librarian for one day, Pri can encounter a boy that will take advantage of her if she doesn't pay attention.

And of course the scenes in the library after completing the quest.




Really excited. Although now I wonder what the hell is up with that boy. How old is that guy supposed to be anyway?


Oh it's more like a young man, he's like 19 I think. But I'm already doubting if it was a good idea... Do you think I should keep the game vore only?


Personally I'm more than cool with more sex-related content, just keep the focus on vore. Like it's been pretty clear that the prey enjoy digestion so the sexual tone has always been there, not to mention the seduction Pri employs to get under her preys skin and the loads of nudity. If I were to make one request just make it consensual or at the very least dubious consent. Unwilling prey is one thing, but noncon sex just feels icky.


That said, Pri seems to be enjoying herself in the picture, can't wait to play the update and see how the scene plays out..


Eh, think it's fine if Pri has some sexy fun. Although probably best to be consensual. Which I admit it's kinda ironic since she's a predator and most of her prey are unwilling.


Could put up a poll after the next update to see if it's something people are interested in.

Jason (SinGage)

Honestly I'm very excited for this update


I'm good with whatever... so long as we get to eat him eventually haha


I like every update of the game. All the new characters are looking really good. Also with the amount of scenes in the game right now and the size of the map it starts to get a bit complicated if you want to rewatch some old scenes and need to travel all the way there, so maybe adding like fasttraveling or a gallery room would be pretty helpfull. Also if you are going to update some of the old still 2D scenes i would really like to see Jenny as a 3D model.


For me it doesnt have to be Vore only. But it shouldnt go to far into the sex stuff. I think it is situational if its fitting or not, for example the girl in the hotel (the one that is getting a prey scene in the update) could get some scene having fun with her boyfriend while/after digesting Pri.


Personally I would vastly prefer for the game to remain vore only but if you decide to included more explicitly sexual content I would hope for it to be not required for story progression and somehow labeled like a narrator's note so it can be avoided. Also, I agree with Gamma_470 that "Unwilling prey is one thing, but noncon sex just feels icky." If you do a poll may I suggest phrasing the question along the lines of "Would you like to see more directly sexual content in the game?" With at least options for an affirmative, ambivalence, and a negative.


A little bit of fast travel can be arranged! Hmm.. I'll add a gallery at some point for sure. Okay hehe Jenny is going to be 3D next.


I've been waiting to read this comment since you switched to 3d models.


I'm definitely intrigued by the idea of sex and such being added to the game, but personally I'd prefer if at the very least the sex remained vore themed. Like, for this example, Pri is seduced by the boy and has her fun, but if you take that choice he also eats you afterwards now that you're covered in cream~ Or you could add some sex scenes revolving around prey inside of Pri, like a special event where you can give someone a blowjob but only if you approach them with his girlfriend still alive in your stomach, and you get a fun interaction where she gets covered when Pri swallows. Having the sex stuff be integrally tied to the vore feels more in-line with the setting to me personally at least, not that I'd be completely against just having sex scenes, especially if they are entirely optional.


The girl in the last image is CUTE! I hope she can gobble us!