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I saw that most of you want animations and comics. You know I always try to be as transparent as possible and after thinking too much about it I have some thoughts to say.

First and foremost, animations are ok for me, short loops, and simple animated stuff is a yes, lewds and stuff will be coming as regular. For me however comics are complete different story ... let me explain you why, I'll try to be as clear as possible.

Is not a surprise, comics, short or long consume a lot of time, specially if you're just one person doing all the work. So what's the problem? Problem is I don't have that much time and that will translate in a ver low paced project ... I'm talking about 1 or 2 pages per month (2 being really optimistic).

Then why don't you just focus on the comics? Well that's a good idea but unfortunately right now patreon have been going down for me therefore my monthly income. Yes I could focus on working 90% on a comic and pull off a weekly page the problem is that the monthly income I receive here on patreon will not help me to cover my life expenses and pay bills and I could easily get more money spending part of that time doing commissions, YCHs, adoptables or just throwing more content here to attract more people. I don't know if most of you know it but every month I do at least 1 or 2 illustrations for sexyfur and tailheat just to get a lil bit extra cash aside fo patreon and commissions.

Don't take me wrong, i'm not blaming you guys for not having time haha you know I appreciate a lot all the support, what I mean is that right now the current economic situation for the majority is not very good and that has pushed people to stop pledging so I don't have enough financial support to stop doing commissions and focus on a project like a comic.

I really like the idea, I mean I even started writing ideas and have some cool stuff in my mind but I also need to compensate and get some extra cash :( So What I'll do is set a goal, when reaching that goal I'll feel more comfortable dedicating more time on a comic project knowing my financial income is more consistent each month :)

Right now i'll just keep the regular stuff, things I can manage better and pull off in a consistent pace, you know, pin-ups, lewds, Kat here and there, small animations, and heck, I even started learning Zbrush so expect 3D lewds too. I'll try to organize myself and at least do the new deck of cards thing :)

Sorry for the long text and thanks for reading! c:


Patrick Miller

Do what makes you feel comfortable. Challenge yourself when you have the time and strength


Calmly. We understand. Besides, we're all just human beings, we all have our limits. Especially in such strange and twisted times. I don't know how unempathetic and ungrateful even one of us could be, reproaching you for what you described above. I can't even imagine it. This isn't neither unnecessary, excessive flattery, I am just saying whatever I think: whatever you do is wonderful. We love it. You have always been honest with us, your patrons. I don't see any reason why anyone should feel aggrieved by what you wrote. I am more than convinced that when you finally find time for comic pages with Katrina (and the gang), you will give us real platinum (STAR PLATINUM :P). One page per month? Hey, it's still cool! It's worth the wait. Time will come. For now... we will admire the rest of the goods you create. Can't wait! :D


Cheers! Thanks you so much for the kind words! I'm always glad to see all the support and comprehension. Sometimes I feel a lil bit haunted by the thought I'm doing the same thing over and over again or thinking I should jump into another major project to keep things fresh and new


Look man, any work you put out is phenomenal and it really shows you've put a lot of soul into it. If it means shelfing comics for a while while we still get the same incredible posts you've made thus far, it's absolutely worth it in my eyes.