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In the beginning I made the group to share stuff and talk and be more in contact with all of you but to be honest I didn't thought that actually I'm a quiet person and I tend to be a bit off chats and groups, my telegram, whatsapp, facebook and discord are always with peding messages that I answer but I do it at my pace, don't get me wrong I like to talk and to answer questions and all of that but I'm ussually busy doing something, with my family, with friends, working, etc.

What I want to say is that the discord server has no point and honestly I always feel bad about it cuz I never interact with you in the way is supossed to be (like a more active server). Is not ok to post it as a reward if at the end is a dead server so what I'm going to do is close the server BUT I'll leave my discord here and if any of you guys want it you can just poke me though message and I'll kindly give it to you so we can chat, take in mind what I said before, I'll answer at my pace.

With all of this I just want to solve this situation that bugs me, something that is not workig or is dead should not be part of the reward so I decide to give all of you a more personal approach to me adding me to my personal discord basically to chit chat sometimes, do questions, etc, etc, etc.

This is my discord -->  llMiXll#4569


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